26. The seige of the north I

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I pulled away when i saw black soot in the sky. "Oh no..." i whispered. I looked back at Huan who had his eyebrows furrowed.

"Come on, no time to lose" he said. We went back to the palace and found my friends there along with the men.

"The day we have feared for so long has arrived. The fire nation is on our footsteps. It is with great sadness i call my family before me, knowing well some of these faces are about to vanish from our tribe" chief Arnook said sadly.

"Now as we approach the battle for our existence, i call upon the great spirits. Spirit of the ocean, spirit of the moon, be with us! I'm going to need volunteers for a dangerous mission" he said.

Sokka immediately got onto his feet, and said"Count me in"

"Sokka!" Katara protested quietly but he ignored her as others followed Sokka's lead and stood.

"Be warned, many of you will not return. Come forward to receive my mark, if you accept the task"

I got onto my feet and joined them. "Zora, sit back down!" Huan said as he took my hand in his. I looked at him and sighed. "I can't just sit around and do nothing. I want to help. It's my home too"

"But you're a-" Huan stopped.

"I'm a what, Huan? You think i'm a powerless little girl who needs savings? No! This is my tribe and i'm protecting it!" I yanked my hand away angrily.

"What are you doing, princess?" Arnook asked. I put my hand in his face and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't. I've battled fire nations before when i came here. Besides, i'm doing this for the tribe, for my family" i said as chief Arnook nodded and put on the mark.

I wanted to prove that i can also fight for my tribe.


We got to the training room and men sharpened their weapons. I put on my armor and walked back outside. I caught up with Aang and gave him an encouraging smile and turned serious again. We walked on the walls and got ready to fight.

One of the ships launched a big fire ball at the wall, wrecking the quarter of the ice wall. I build it up quickly with my bending and got onto Appa with Aang.

We flew closer to the ships and Aang told Appa to drop us off. I used my water bending to wreck the launchers and helped Aang to get on to the next ship.

About fifteen ships later, it was getting close to twilight and Aang and i were getting tired.

"Aang go! I'll hold them off for a while and i'll catch up with you with Ookami" i said panting. He nodded and hopped to Appa and flew away.

I jumped in the air and turned back to the hundreds of ships, launching huge fire balls at me but i blasted them with my air bending, and sighed in exhaustion.

I used every last bit of energy out of me and water bended a huge tsunami to them, making them back up some miles away.

My muscles ached and my energy drained, i fell to the ocean and i closed my eyes, expecting cold water hit my skin but it never came as i floated back.

I opened my eyes and saw Ookami's blue scales. I smiled as i laid my head onto his back and softly petted him as he purred.

Ookami brought me back to the tribe and i collapsed to the ice ground.

"Yozora!" Katara and Yue said as they rushed over to me, picking me up to my feet.

"Where's Aang?" I asked, my voice came out hoarse.

"I'm here. Thank god you're okay..." Aang came over and gave me a huge hug. I hugged him back and fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up and the first thing i saw was the full moon. It was almost midnight and i felt energized enough. I saw Yue and Katara beside me at the oasis.

"What are we doing here?" I said.

"Aang needs to go to the spirit world to defeat these ships so I brought him to the oasis." Yue said excitedly. I looked over and saw Aang trying to go into the spirit world.

His tattoos started glowing, meaning Aang has entered the spirit world. "Do you think something bad will happen to him while he's here?" Yue asked anxiously.

"It's okay. He'll be in there if he won't be dragged back to the real life if Yozora and i can protect him enough from danger" Katara explains.

"Aren't you a big girl now?" Zuko revealed himself out. "Zuko?" I gasped as i got into a fighting position.

"Katara, get Yue somewhere safe and call for help. I'll make sure he doesn't take Aang" i ordered her and she hesitated before nodding at my order. 

I used the water from the pond and sent shards to him but Zuko quickly melted them. I smirked, "You improved well since we last trained, princey"

I decided to go a little rougher and hit him multiple times in the head, freezing his damp clothes. I swirled more water and sent giant ice shards but he melted all off with fire.

He started punching hot flames at me, but i sent a wave at him from sideways, knocking him down.

Zuko got up quickly and continued sending more flames with full strength, making me back up. He smirked and sent a wave of fire but i used my icy blue fire at him.

I looked at his face of shock, confusion anger and most of all he was scared of me. "What the heck are you?" he asked.

"A warrior princess" i smiled as i sent more flames.

But a better fire bender he is, made no time to make me use other elements and knocked me down.


"Yozora. Yozora! What happened! Are you okay?!" I heard Sokka's voice. I groaned as i got up and hissed as i felt pain in my stomach. Realization hit me.

"Zuko... Zuko's got Aang!" I said panicking. I saw Katara, Sokka and Yue  with worry faces.

"Oh my spirits! What kind of guardian am i?" I swore under my breath as i tried to get up but fell back to my knees, clenching my stomach in pain. "You're hurt, you should stay here, Zora" Sokka said worriedly, helping me to sit back down but i stopped him.

"No, Sokka. I will not make Zuko take Aang." I said getting up, still wincing in pain.

"They won't be far, a storm started not too long ago... c'mon let's get on Appa" Katara said as she helped me walk towards the flying bison.


"Aang!" I said as i saw a bright blue light come from a nearby cave. We got closer and saw Aang trying to get away from Zuko.

"Appa!" Aang said happily as he saw us coming towards him. Zuko noticed us and smirked, "Back for a rematch?"

"Trust me, princey, there won't be a rematch" i said collapsing a wall of snow on top of him, making him knock out. Sokka got off and took off Aang's ropes.

"Come on, let's go" Sokka said.

Aang looked at Zuko and sighed, "We can't just leave him here." Aang said jumping off of Appa and air bended him to the saddle.

"Sure we can! Let's go" Sokka said. "No, if we leave him. He'll die" Aang said.

"Yeah, let's bring the guy who always tries to kill us" he says sarcastically. "We don't have time. We need to get back to the oasis" i said helping Aang to airbend Zuko's body on Appa.

"Zora, are you crazy? He almost killed you!" Sokka argued. "Hush, we have to follow Avatar's orders." I silenced him as i tied the ropes around Zuko's hands and legs. Then a sudden pain came over my body, my head feeling light.

"I feel faint" Yue said. "Me too..." Aang and i said. "Tui! She's in danger!" I gasped as i say the moon turn red.


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