51. Book 3: You really are an idiot

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Yozora's POV

I woke up, gasping for air desperately like I was holding my breath under water.

"You're finally awake." a familiar voice said standing up. The person put their hand on my shoulder to calm me down while whispering comforting words to me.

"W-What's going on? Where am I? Where's Ookami?" I stammered, looking around. Everything was red, and it was cold, the red robe around my body wasn't anything good. I turned to the person and my eyes widened.

"Hana Ming? What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"Lower your voice, Princess. You're in your room in The Fire Nation Palace. And I'm a new maid in here." she said smiling at me.

"Huh? Fire Nation Palace?!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes, Princess Yozora. Your occamy is in the dungeon though. But don't worry, he's healthy and safe. You've been out for a quite long time too." she said as she gave me a cup of tea. "Two weeks."

"Two weeks?!" I yelled, almost making her spill the tea on herself as she glared.

"I'm sorry." I muttered. She chuckled, shaking her head, "Yes, your highness. Two weeks!"

But her smile soon turned into a frown, "Princess Azula wanted to speak to you when you wake up."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What does she want? I have nothing to say to her-" I felt hot tears rolling down my cheek as I angrily wiped them with my hand, "...after what she's done."

"I'm sorry about your loss, Princess Yozora. Not only to you, but everyone else that doesn't belong in Fire Nation is upset about the Avatar's death." she said.

'Right, nobody knows that he's still alive...' I thought to myself as I frowned, "Tell Azula, I don't want to speak a word to her."

Hana Ming got up and bowed, "yes, princess." she said before leaving the room.

I looked around the room and sobbed.

I only had one job and I failed...

I instantly felt hatred to Zuko and Azula, making me scream in agony. I was supposed to be with Sokka, meditating with Aang, having some girl time with Toph and Katara all together. My eyes started to well up as I punched the Fire Nation Insignia on the wall, watching it burn into crisp.

Suddenly, a knock appeared on the door step.

"If it's Azula, then get lost!!" I screamed as I watched the insignia disappear in blue flames.

"Too bad, I'm coming in." she said boringly as she barged into the room. I turned away from her and crossed my arms in a huff. I'm surprised I haven't even threw a punch at her at this rate.

"Anyways, Fire Lord ordered me to reason with you." she said. It was visible in her tone, she was rolling her eyes. "It's about your tribe."

I angrily turned to her, "Reason?! About my tribe?!" I chuckled dryly, rolling my eyes, "Ha! You've got to be kidding me. No way we're gonna get along and learn about each other."

"You don't want your dear home to be melted away, do you? The Fire Nation invaded every other Nation in the world including Ba Sing Se." Azula said making me flinch. "Ba Sing Se has finally fallen." she said with a smirk.

"....Then what do you want?" I said, lowering my voice.

"We're here for a truce. The North Pole and The Fire Nation will become allies." she said coming closer to me. "Only if you marry my brother." my eyes widened as she whispered it in my ear.

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