3. Southern Air Temple

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"Wait. I thought spiritual guardians are, ya know, spirits?" Aang asked completely confused.

"Well yeah, the lion turtle gave me the power to bend all four elements just like the avatar to protect myself. But in change I had to look after the next Avatar. At least, that's what my father told me..." I shrugged.

"So you're basically the second Avatar!" Katara said excitedly. "Wow, that's so cool! You're just like me then!" Aang exclaimed.

"I guess..." I shrugged.

"But could you tell more about yourself. We hardly even know you, please?" Katara begged.

I sighed and nodded.

"Okay...I'm from the Northern Water Tribe. I was trained at a very early age by my uncle and other masters. I've mastered water bending at age seven and air bending at age 12. When I was 16, my father was taken by the fire nation and my uncle died protecting me," I said sadly.

"The Fire Nation found out about my power and wanted to capture me. So i ran away from the tribe, leaving them have to mess with the fire benders. I got drowned but was magically saved by the past Avatars." 

"How long have you been in the ice then?" Sokka asked. I closed my eyes and tried to think.

"In my days, there was no war, actually." I shrugged and noticed the sun was setting. "In my days, there wasn't any war also... and we're basically connected so why not we be from the same year?" Aang asked.

"Wait, then you both must be over hundred years old!" Sokka's mouth dropped. "Then, that was the day the fire nation wiped the air benders out." Katara whispered.

"But the Air Nomads are smart and they must've escaped before the Fire Nations attacked! Fire Nation doesn't have flying bisons, do they?!" Aang bolted up.  

I know how smart the Fire Nation and how cruel they can be. But there can't be any other air nomads left if the fire nation had used multiple ways to catch the air benders.

"Maybe..." Katara said unsure.

"It's getting dark, we should land and sleep tonight before we go to the Southern Air Temples." Sokka said looking at the stars, slowly appearing in the sky.

We landed safely and built up a fire and everyone went to sleep. Everyone except me, I guess. I got up and took a midnight stroll.

"Couldn't sleep?"

I got startled and threw a punch without thinking. It was Aang! He wasn't hurt, the punch only missed him by inches.

"Cool reflexes!" he smiled. "Sorry, and yeah, I couldn't sleep." I smiled at Aang.

He looked at the stars with me and sat on the ground. "How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"I'm scared. How am I supposed to win this war if I haven't even learnt water bending yet? " Aang said sadly.

"We're gonna win this together, don't worry." I gave him a comforting smile and Aang gave me a hug and called it a night and went back to sleep.


Morning came by fast and I was the only one who was awake early so I decided to look for some fruits for breakfast.

I found some moon peaches and put as much as the small bag could carry. The others were awake by then and ready to take off.

Some time passed and Aang said excitedly, "Welcome to the Southern Air Temple!"

I looked out and it was absolutely breathtaking.

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