17. The Great Devide

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Sokka and i got on Appa and flew in the air. "Let's go find Aang and Katara." he said as we looked around. "There they are!" I pointed at a spot.

Katara froze water around Jet and Aang was standing there mad. "C'mon let's go!" Sokka said.

"Sokka! You're okay!" Katara said hugging his brother. Jet whistled and smirked evilly at us. "You're too late, Sokka and Yozora. The dam exploded!" he said as we heard an explosion.

"Ha! We already warned the people in the village!" I smirked at him. Jet looked furiously cursed under his breath. "You don't know what you're doing!" he yelled.

"No, you've gone too far, Jet. Let's go guys, we're leaving!" Sokka said.

"We would be free if the fire nation is gone!" Jet tried to convince.

"Who would be free everyone would be dead." Sokka said. "You traitors! Both of you!" Jet said looking at me and Sokka. I felt so disgusted with him.

"No, Jet. You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people." I glared at him.

"Katara, please..." Jet said looking at Katara with puppy eyes. "Goodbye, Jet." she said coldly as she hopped onto Appa. "C'mon boy. Yip yip!" I said to Appa who groaned in response.

Once we were in the sky Katara spoke. "I'm so sorry." she said. I still can't forgive her after how awful things she said to me.

"I was so blinded by Jet that i betrayed my friends..." Katara said sadly.

"And Yozora, i'm so sorry after what i said to you. I didn't mean it. You are the most intelligent and responsible person i've ever met. Can we still be friends?" she asked me.

I let out a sigh and smiled at her. "Of course, Kat! Come here!" I opened my arms for her which she hugged happily.

"And Aang. You still owe her an apology." Sokka noted.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'm never going to disagree with you ever again!" he said hugging me.

"And we're sorry to Sokka too. And by the way, how did you know Jet was up to something?" Katara asked.

"Let me guess, your instincts?" I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Hey! Sometimes they're right!" Sokka said.

"Sokka, you know you're going the wrong way right?" Aang asked. "And sometimes they're wrong." Sokka said turning the other way.

"You're such a dork!" I chuckled, shaking my head at the boy.


The great divide with the Zhang tribe and Gan Jin was chaos. They didn't want to get to Ba Sing Se together and had to go separate ways. Aang tried to reason but didn't work very well.

While Katara went with Gan Jins, Sokka was with Zhangs, leaving me and Aang together and tried to get some rest for the night.

"You know what's most frightening?" I asked him. "Hmm?" he hummed.

"These people can't even breathe the same air together and might chop each other's heads off."

I shivered in the cold.

"Are you cold?" Aang asked. "I'll manage, i lived at a place surrounded by ice eventually." I chuckled.

"What's your home like?"

I bit my lip, "It's okay i guess. I loved training at the great arena with my Uncle Tomi." I smiled at the thought.

"Him and i would train for hours and hours and still have a great time together. But i have to serve my tribe not by fighting alongside with them..." i looked away.

"He sound's like a great man..." Aang said sadly. "He really is..." i smiled softly.

"You must miss him a lot." Aang added. "Very..." i blinked back tears.

"Sleep tight. I'm sorry that I didn't sneak a bit food here since he didn't allow it." I said rolling my eyes at the guide who trapped us here.

"It's okay.Good night, Zora" he said closing his eyes.


This happened two years ago. I went up to my father, who was busy making a serious conversation.

"Father, can me and the Occamy go outside and play, please?" I begged my father.

"Sure, Yozora. But be careful!" he nodded and continued with his conversation with the soldiers about the walls of our tribe.

As a tribe chief, he has to take everything pretty seriously and carefully since the fire nation was acting up. But i never minded those boring conversation so i just let it slide just like any other ones.

I skipped to the dungeons and got to the cage. "Psst, hey little guy! Father said it's okay to go outside, c'mon!" I said knocking the cage door, waking the occamy up.

It's scales shined in the light and his beautiful purple wings showed itself. His golden yellow eyes looked at mine and made a beautiful sound for my ears, like we're communicating.

I opened the cage and took the small animal out. I put him in my hands and got outside of the arena, where no one can see us. "C'mon you can turn bigger now!" I said laying the occamy on the floor.

He grew and grew until his length was almost twelve feet. He bowed to me and waited for me to hop on him. I giggled as i slid behind his wings and hold his body tight so I won't fall.

"Ready? One... two... THREE!" I yelled as we soared above the sky and dived down like we were on a rollercoaster.

The occamy started to get tired after thirty minutes of flying and we landed safe and sound. "That was amazing! You did great!" I giggled as he shrunk into a little occamy.

You see, they are pretty magical and can shrink or grow than the regular sizes. They have like a snake like body, but with blue scales. They also have beautiful wings and strong beak.

"Come on let's go inside or you'll catch a cold." I said cupping the mystical animal safely in my hands, going back to the dungeons.

"I'll see you tomorrow. If cannot please wait for me? Even if i return after decades. Please?" I said putting him back in the cage. He nodded and made a sound happily.


Am I the only one who hates the Great Divide episode? Idk  _

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