14. Captured again

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"Let him go, Zuko. I'm warning you," i glared at him.

"Huh, you still owe me one for saving your butt. What's your name anyway?" he sneered.

"Does it matter? Let him go now!" I yelled as i run towards him and spun in the air, throwing kicks and punches.

He ducked and dodged my attacks which were impressive actually.

"Not bad, pretty boy." I smirked at him when he blushed at the nickname.

Aang eventually got in the room secretly while i was handling with Zuko.

"Whoops, you just missed him," i clicked my tongue at the direction of the closed sanctuary doors.

The sages blew fire but wouldn't open. Then the Zhao dude came in and started talking about traitors and stuff.

Zuko held me down on the ground and i started to get really weak and drowsy.

I yawned, "What's happening?" seeing blue light behind the sanctuary doors. Gosh, i was getting really sleepy.

The doors suddenly opened and blue light was flashing everywhere. "Argh, too bright!" I moaned as i shut my eyes tight.

I squinted my eyes and saw... Roku? He looked my way and i started to get this connection, not like when i first had with Aang, it felt like my insides were getting sucked. Then i blacked out.


I woke up with wet cloth on my forehead and i rubbed my eyes to see a familiar black room. Am i at the ship again?

"You're awake!" an old man smiled down at me. I tried to get up and go into a fighting position but failed miserably.

"Don't push yourself, you're still very hurt!" the old man said kindly.

"Hey, who are you?" I eyed him suspiciously. His grew hair wad balding on top of his head and he wore a calm friendly smile.

"Where are my manners? I'm Iroh, Prince Zuko's Uncle." he offered a tea. I put my pinky in it first to see if it has poison in it with my water bending.

"No worries, it's jasmine tea. My second favorite one after gingsen" he winked. I immediately got comfortable in his kind company, almost feeling safe. Almost.

I smiled softly and took a nice sip, feeling the warmth getting over my body.

"Thanks, Iroh. It's some good tea. You should stop your career here and start a new life as a tea maker." I winked.

"I'm flattered." he chuckled softly.

"So, why am i here?" I got into a sitting position that was at least i could do for now.

"You were captured by my nephew. I'm deeply sorry how rude it was but he said you blacked out and your friends left you." he said calmly.

Wait. They left me?

"Come again?"

"I don't know what happened, but my nephew told me that the others left on the flying bison." Iroh said apolitically.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing and I didn't want to believe it.

"Okay, it's fine. I'm fine. " i said trying to calm myself down and think of a plan to get out of here.

"I'm sorry, you should rest,..?" Iroh asked for my name.

"Mitsuki." I lied to him with a fake smile.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mitsuki. I'll check up on you later." he said and left the room.

I closed my eyes and meditated to try and get to the spirit world. The familiar blue and grey fog surrounded the place and i started to walk straight.

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