1. Book 1: Captured and escaped

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Yozora's POV

I jolted up from my sleep, with pain in my chest, pounding faster and faster, signaling something. I put my hand over my heart to keep it steady and i was finally able to breath again. I looked around and saw unfamiliar place.

I was supposed to be in North Pole, hiding. But it was all red— and that meant one thing. The Fire Nation.

I was cold from the thin layer of worn out red clothes and band aids around my arms like I was wearing before. I sighed I relief that they didn't take it off.

I looked around and didn't see my clothes but only my betrothal necklace on the nightstand next to the bed.

Shivering, I picked the door slightly and opened it. Looking left and right, I sneaked to the other side and tried to get out of there as soon as possible. My mind was going crazy with the questions in my head.

How did I get here?

Did I just survive?

Where in the spirits am I right now anyway?

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" I heard someone from behind, chasing after me. I looked around and saw a guy with a big scar on his face, followed by other soldiers.

I went up to the stairs, dodging some soldiers on the way to the top.

Then I noticed I was on a Navy ship around all ice and snow. Probably in South because if it was North, I'd know where I was going.

"Get back here!!" I heard the guy yell again. He threw a giant fireball at me but it missed me by inches. I waterbended to glue him onto the ship with an ice cocoon.

Before the soldiers could catch me, I jumped off the ship, water bending some water to freeze them in place. I landed on some ice and I ran until they couldn't catch or see me.

Five minutes and I am already freezing with the clothes they gave me. Probably, my fingers were frozen for the long run in the snow.

Finally I saw a small village from twenty five minutes of run. I smiled in relief as I ran to into an empty tent, warming myself from the fire. I put my brown hair in a bun and rubbed my hands to get warmer.

"Ahh! Fire Nation!!" someone screamed behind me, and I got startled and threw harsh punches to his arms and legs. He fell on the ice floor on his face.

"Ow!" he mumbled.

He looked at me up and down and blushed.

"Oh my spirits! I'm so sorry!" I said rushing over to him to sit up. He had tanned skin and really pretty ocean blue eyes. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to!" I said trying to make him sit as comfortably as possible.

He looked at me confused "Why are you sorry? You're a fire nation! And the Fire Nations only hurt people!" he growled at my face.

"No, I am not from the Fire Nation! I was imprisoned at a ship!" I frowned at him. "Y'know, being imprisoned and being an ally are two different thing."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

This guy has some attitude—

"Ha! You thought I'm gonna believe that, little girl?" he spat.

"Little girl?" I scoffed, "I'm older than you!" I said quite offended.

"How old are you? Thirteen?" he glared.

"Seventeen." I glared back.

His cheeks turned red, "oh." he said under his breath.

"Yeah, I thought so." I said over lapping my clothes with a coat in the corner of the tent, can I add badly folded as well?

I sighed, "Look, I'm not from the fire nation. And I don't care if you don't believe me. I'm leaving anyway."

I walked out of the tent leaving the boy on the ground. I was starving and I needed help to get back home. I looked around and saw a small group of little kids crowding over someone.

A huge wave of spiritual energy filled me up from that direction so I walked over to them and saw a boy in yellow and orange, flying in the sky. He had blue arrow tattoos over his body just like an airbender. The boy did couple tricks, earning cheers from the little kids.

Oddly, it giving us connections to each other.

I bet he felt it too and finally looked my way.

"Hey! I'm Aang! What's your name?" he smiled at me, getting down from the sky.

"I'm Yozora, and you're an airbender!" I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.

"Do you live here?" asked Aang cheekily.

I bit my lip from saying anything stupid and shook my head. "Nah just traveling..." I lied.

"Oh, that's cool! I'm traveling too!" he said enthusiastically.

"Aang!" I heard a girl yell. "Katara! Over here!" Aang gestured Katara towards us. A really pretty girl who looked quite similar to the boy in the tent, ran over to us.

She looked at me suspiciously, "Hey, who are you?"

"I'm Yozora. Just dropping by." I gave her a nervous smile.

She eyed me, "Why are you wearing my brother's clothes?"

"Oh umm..." I mumbled.

"Hey!" I heard the boy yell. "Katara get away from her! She's from the Fire Nation!"

I rolled my eyes. The girl looked ready to strike and Aang, he stood there really confused.

"I can prove that I'm not!" I said confidently as I raised my hands in defense. I bended water from the snow and made a fancy swirl.

"That doesn't prove anything! You must be under the Fire Nation's command!" the dude said desperately.

Katara sighed and turned to me.

"I'm Katara and that hot head is Sokka, my brother." she extended her hand for me to shake.

"Yozora, pleasure to meet you." I took her hand and smiled at her.

"I'm a waterbender too. Not yet..." Katara said showing me her trick with a little bit of water.

I smiled at her, "You'll be an amazing water bender. I know it!" I said enthusiastically.

She nodded gratefully and turned to teach Aang how to catch a penguin, leaving me and Sokka together.

"I still don't trust you," he frowned.

Dude, did I ask?

"Whatever." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

An old lady came over and smiled kindly.

"I'm Sokka's grandmother, Kanna. Call me gran gran. Would you like to have something to eat, dear?"

I smiled brightly at her, "Yes, ma'am. I'm starving."

She fed me some meat and nice hot soup. I thanked her for the kindness and left to find Katara and Aang.

There was something suspicious about that monk. This connection between Aang and I must've meant something right?

He had so much power hidden in his body. It was confusing me, because no other bender could have that much of power to handle.


No way...

He can't be, can he?

Aang must be the Avatar!

I ran towards the penguins but no sign Aang or Katara there. I ran further more and found Fire Nation Navy ship.

"Katara? Aang?" I echoed through the abandoned ship. Then a flare went up in the sky, signaling others.

Kid, what did you do...

A/n: Editing this gives me a headache
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