11. Hei Bai

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I bowed to him sincerely; "Hei Bai, i am the Avatar's guardian, Yozora. I want to know why you keep destroying the village." I finally faced him. He roared and ran off, still not trusting me.

Something wasn't right at all. He was clearly upset.

I ran after him but i couldn't catch up so i went back to the village. I opened my eyes and it was already dark outside. I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Zora, dinner." Sokka smiled at me.

My heart fluttered at the smiled and blushed. I nodded and fixed my clothes and we walked together to the dining hall.

I looked out the window and it was already sunset, Hei Bai will come soon enough.

I ate my soup and rice and excused myself. Aang walked after and caught up with me. "Hey, Aang."

"Hey, Yozora. Where are you going?"

"I need to talk to Hei Bai. He's really upset and i want to make it right." I stopped and sat on the ground in lotus pose.

"Aang, hurry up and go to the spirit world and help me." I said before going to the spirit world.

I looked back at my body and saw Aang waving his hands over my face. I rolled my eyes and walked off to the forest. I hope he gets here fast enough.

"Hei Bai!" I called out. No one. I frowned as i walked deeper.

"Hei Bai!" I said running to the scary creature. He looked startled and ran to the village.

"Hey! Stop!" I said running after him. He was to fast and I couldn't catch up with him.

Hei Bai destroyed the village and took Sokka and my body within.

Wait! No, not my body!

I jumped on the spirit's back and he ran back to the bamboo forest.


How can i talk to the spirit if he keeps running away? I opened my eyes and looked around and saw we were in middle of some kind of Panda Statue place.

"Yozora? Is that you?" Sokka said rubbing his eyes.

"Hey! What happened to your arm? Are you hurt?" he said rushing over.

I looked at my arm, a crescent shaped mark was exposed from my bandages.

I blushed hiding it quickly, "I'm fine.It's actually a birth mark i had since i was born." I said as i got up.

"Sokka, wait here. I'm gonna go find the spirit." I said before he could follow me.

It would be exhausting if he would follow me to the spirit world and it could be pretty deadly too.

He took my hand begging me to not go. "Zora, no! I won't let you go. What if something goes wrong and you won't come back?" Sokka asked with worry eyes. I sighed and hugged him softly.

"You know it's my job to bring peace to this world. I promise i'll be careful." I squeezed his hand before leaving.

I ran and saw the four armed spirit. "Please. Just tell me, why are you upset?" I said stepping closer slowly.

He looked startled but i put my hand on his head, telling him i was harmless. Hei Bai relaxed and took me on his back, and ran to same burnt forest and dropped me off.

He's upset because his forest was burnt down by the fire nation! I hugged the poor creature and gave him a smile.

I handed him the acorns from the ground, "Don't worry, buddy. We can still save this place. See these acorns? Those can be grown into big trees and make more acorns. And soon the forest will be back to normal."

"Same with the animals who used to live here. They'll come back, just a little bit of time and it'll be okay." I smiled at him.

He eased up a bit and turned into a big panda.

"Hei Bai?" I giggled at the fuzzy animal. The spirit nodded and offered a ride back.

"Wait! We can't forget Sokka!" I informed the Spirit of black and white.

We went back to Sokka and i waved at him. His eyes were wide open and freaked out.

"Sokka, before you flip your shits, i's like you to meet Hei Bai! Now let's go back shall we?" I chuckled softly at his reaction to the spirit.

He grinned and hopped on. We soon returned to the village and Aang wasn't there.

"Could you please escort Aang back to the village when you find him, and the other missing people too?" I smiled gently at the cute panda spirit.

He opened his mouth and roared and left. Katara ran up to us and gave us warm hugs.

"Hey, Kat! I missed you!" I giggled. I took a good look at her and she looked like she wasn't eating or sleeping and looked bad.

"Have you been out all night? You look horrible..." i said placing my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over it softly.

"Aang is still in the spirit world. He doesn't know you're here..."she said worriedly.

"It's okay, i know he will come back soon. Come on, get some rest." I patted her back.


Aang still hasn't returned and i'm getting scared.

I told everyone it was fine and he'll come back but i was worried. I waited for him at the entrance and meditated.

I begin to see black and white and i figured it was Hei Bai and the young monk was on his back. And some other people appeared behind them too.

"Aang, you're back!" I grinned and hugged him, kissing his forehead motherly.

"Hey, Yozora! Did you get Sokka?"

"Hell yeah, i did! Now where were you?" I said smacking his arm furiously. Gosh this boy will scare the crap out of me sometimes.

"Ow that hurt!" he said rubbing his arm.

"You left me worried sick! Tell me, young man. Where were you the whole time?" I crossed my arms over my chest like a mother.

"Avatar Roku. I need to speak to him by the solstice," he looked down and frowned anxiously. "I had a vision. It was a comet..."

"A comet?" i looked at him worriedly.

"I don't know, that's why i need to talk to Roku..."

I felt shivers down my spine as i thought of the comet. They said Sozin made it hundred years ago.

"Aang! You're back!" Katara yelled as she ran with open arms. When she hugged him, Aang's cheeks got all red and chuckled.

These two are definitely gonna end up together i thought to myself as i smirked. The sun started rising and the villagers were thanking us.

"Thank you so much, Avatars. How can we ever repay you?" the old man who looked out for us came.

I was used to people calling me Avatar as well since i have the same abilities as Aang does but can enter the spirit world faster than him.

"Maybe some supplies and some money?" Sokka asked cheekily.

"Sokka!" Katara scolded him.

"Hey! We need to have supplies for our journey and we are all broke." Sokka explained.

"Kat, i'm with Sokka. We do need supplies and money!" I agreed with the water tribe boy.

"It will be an honor to help the Avatars with your journey."the old man bowed respectfully.


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