"Why not Li?" Niall asked.

"I lost it when I was still a young little lad." He said.

"How exactly?" Louis asked.

"Before I always drank alcohol, and not worrying about the cost. Then BOOM! One kidney gone!" Liam said.

"So you're saying we shouldn't drink alcohol anymore?" Alan asked sarcastically.

"Uh... no... but uhm..." Liam said. He's confused alright.

"Thank you Liam, now I don't want to drink anymore." Alan said sarcastically.

"No problem!" Liam cheered.

"Down to business. How about girl-" Alan said but I turned off the t.v.

Enough t.v. time to go and walk around in the fresh Canadian air. I wore my favorite white jumper and black shorts with my white Supras. Yey! Comfy clothes all the way!

I took a picture with Instagram and posted it on Twitter.

@DaniCRayson: Morning everyone! In Canada today!

I signed out and walked outside for a while.

Time to see Canada again!

Niall's P.O.V.

"Down to business. How about girlfriends?" Alan asked seriously.

"I'm taken!" Zayn shouted.

"Me too!" Liam followed.

"Me three!" Louis chuckled.

"Three are taken, and two are left. Hmm... so boys, would you like to introduce your very much loved ladies?" Alan wiggled his eyebrows.

"Uhm... no thank you!!" The three of them shouted.

"You boys ruin everything. Okay, I'll call them myself then. Come on in ladies." Alan called out.

Then suddenly, Perrie, Daniele, and Eleanor walked in.

"Hey gals!" The three of them greeted.

"How adorable. Now, how about the two of you?" Alan pointed to us.

"SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE!" Harry said. "Just kidding, no plans yet."

"Or you are both thinking of someone. And it is true. Says all the fans around the world." Alan said.


"Yes" He responded. "So, we started this text poll, in five minutes the poll will end. And the most votes is the best bet. To make it even, here are your candidates, and clearly they said you have this fight over the girl. No one knows who yet. The candidate polls are Demi Lovato, Cara Delevigne, Taylor Swift. Okay.... wait another person was nominated, which is Dani Rayson. Let's see who will be the world's number one guess." Alan said. As the polls rose and rose every second.

"Good luck to everyone." I gulped and looked at Harry. He looked back. I know he was nervous too.


"The polls are now closed. Let's see who's the best guess for you. Now the most polls received is.... Dani! Wow! People really love that girl. That's the guess. Maybe it might be true or not." Alan smirked.

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