Harry once again followed me because he clearly can't take a hint.

"How can I make this all better?" He stopped me when he grabbed my hand.

I turned around quickly and looked up to his tall figure. "Oh I don't know maybe apologize like a normal human being? Acknowledge what you did wrong and not do it again. Didn't someone teach you this in preschool. It's called basic human decency."

"Look i'm sorry." Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he looked down at the ground.

I slowly clapped and smiled up at him. "That was so good Harry. I'm about to cry with how genuine that was." I wiped a fake tear under my eye. "What a shame you're only saying sorry because I told you to say sorry not because you're actually sorry. Apology not accepted." I walked away and went back into the kitchen to start washing dishes.

"I am sorry." Harry followed me and aggressively ran his fingers through his hair. He then grabbed my arm gently again so I stopped and looked to him. "Look I wish I could say I remember everything I said that night so I could apologize but I don't. I just remember feeling like shit after so i'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I just wish you would talk to me and help me fix it because I miss you. I hate not speaking to you when you're going through all of this alone." He let go of my arm and folded his hands.

I believe him when he says he doesn't remember. Caleb even questioned him that night when he asked him if he was high but that doesn't excuse anything.

Those were his sober thought he wasn't planning on sharing with me. At least not any time soon.

"I don't know how to help you fix it! I don't even know what it is we're supposed to be fixing." I started scrubbing the dishes in the sink.

I heard Harry pull a chair against the tiled floor. The scraping sound finally stopped when he placed it directly next to me and sat down.

"Us. I want to fix us." I felt his eyes staring at me but I ignored them.

"There is no us. There's never been an us. It's been you knowing me and me knowing nothing. If you really thought for one second telling me this would make me fall for you or something you're insane." I laughed as I scrubbed the same dish harder than I was before.

"That's not what I was trying to do." Harry threw his head back and laughed. "What are you on about?" He asked while he kept giggling to himself.

I don't remember telling a joke but here he is laughing up a storm.

It's embarrassing at this point. I'm trying to express how I feel and he's sitting there laughing like i'm some kind of joke or something.

"Then why did you kiss me? Is it because you're obsessed with me or something? Usually stalkers are. Have you ever seen the show You?" I sarcastically spoke to him. 

"What? First of all i'm not a stalker. Second, I am in no way shape or form obsessed with you. You're not my type. Third, you kissed me. Do you not remember? Seems to be a pattern with you."

Harry saw how bad I was struggling when I couldn't remember what happened with that man two weeks ago and he still used it against me.

"Here we go again with your lousy insults." I dropped the dish into the sink, washed my hands off, and walked back out of the kitchen.

"No is that what this is about? Are you angry at me because you kissed me or are you angry about what I said to you. Please tell me what exactly I should be apologizing for because you're obviously still angry with me." Harry followed but this time kept getting closer to me. He was practically breathing in my ear.

You're So Golden |H.S|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora