67|| gladers

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// tomorrow is another day
and you won't have to hide away \\

          Harper sat beside Minho, laughing as Aris and Thomas were wrestling.  Minho snorted, "You're both pathetic! Come on!"  Harper nudged Minho with an amused smile.  A hand squeezed her shoulder gently, pulling her out of her trance.  "Newt," Harper smiled softly as the boy held a cup of water out to her.  She took it gratefully, sliding over on her rock to make room.  Newt sat beside her, Harper nestling against him comfortably.  Newt wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head as she tucked it under his neck. Minho nudged Harper, "Remember when you would kick my butt in the glade?"  The girl smiled in amusement, thankful for the rare happy memories, "Oh, I take pride in being the one to keep Minho in line." She scrunched her nose up playfully.  This made Newt laugh with a shake of his head, "That's our girl..."  "Queen of the Glade," Minho smiled proudly. 

   Harper smiled to herself, shaking her head. She wrapped her arms around Minho's and leaned her head on Newt, "My boys."  Her voice was sad despite her content smile. They were her everything- before Thomas came along.  Harper closed her eyes, exhaling tiredly.  Her head hurt.  A sort of buzzing vibrated her brain.  "I miss the glade..."  She let her head fall against Newt's chest.  Newt was silent but Harper felt his chest tighten.  Even Minho, always sarcastic and witty, didn't have a thing to say.

   All things considered, Harper felt 80% like herself again.  She snorted as Thomas and Aris flailed around on the ground; a sad attempt to pin the other.  "Come on, Thomas, kick his shank butt!"  Harper grinned, nudging Minho.  Minho smirked, "You think you're up for a fight?" Harper laughed, "I think this time you'd beat me, shuckface."  Harper winked at him, grinning widely.  Newt looked between the two anxiously, already disapproving of the mere suggestion.  "Minh-" Newt was cut off by Minho, "I'll go easy on ya, slinthead, c'mon."  Harper shook her head in exasperation.  Thomas had beaten Aris by a landslide-  which happens when you were in a maze with girls, that probably also beat you up. 

   Harper stood up straight, stretching her arms and legs, smirking over to Minho, shooting a quick wink over to an anxious Newt.  Minho jumped towards Harper, clearly setting it up so she could tackle him.  The girl laughed as they both fell to the ground.  She shook her head, smiling once again, like her old self.  Newt felt his heart swell-  He missed that smile more than anything.  It had been more brilliant than the sun back in the Glade-  Harper was pinned again as her back hit the ground.  She gasped at the impact and instantly triggered a coughing fit.  Minho paled, jumping up instantly, "I didn't mean-"  Newt had already shoved passed Thomas and the others, kneeling down and holding Harper against his chest.  She waved her hand in front of her face, shaking her head, "Fine," she breathed, "I'm fine..."  Harper smiled weakly, trying to look genuine and reassuring.  "Look what you bloody did!"  Newt turned to Minho angrily, standing quickly.  Harper looked up wide eyed, "Newt, I'm-"  "She said she's fine, shuckface!  You think I'd hurt her!?"  Minho glared back.  Harper scrambled to her feet weakly, shaking her head, "Boys, please, I'm perfectly fine-"  Newt shoved Minho, hard, looking angrier than Harper had seen him in a long time.  "Newt-" The look scared her- this wasn't him at all.  Minho shoved Newt back, "I knew what she could handle!  I didn't do anything wrong! She could have said no if she really wasn't feeling well."  Thomas had joined the chaos, "Hey... Newt.. She's okay."  He looked between them nervously.  Harper scrunched her face up, "I'm fine... Newt..." She turned to the boy quietly, "Hey," Harper squeezed his hand.  Newt's gaze softened instantly at her touch, "I'm sorry... I.. I don't know-"  Harper frowned, shaking her head, "I'm fine... I'm okay."  Minho muttered something under his breath, earning him a glare from Harper.

    "Everyone pack up!  We're out of here at first light!"  Harper had distanced herself from the group, sitting on a small ledge a ways off from everyone.  Vince was calling orders out to everyone.  Group B scattered here and there, loading weapons and supplies into trucks.  She quieted her mind, numbing the pain in the back of her skull and leveling her breathing.  "Slim it, up there," Harper mumbled it to herself, shaking her head, rubbing her temples slightly.  Her brain stilled as Harper focused her attention on the Gladers.  Thomas, Aris and Frypan were talking.  Newt and Minho, of course, were heading towards her.  Her boys... They wouldn't let her be alone too long with her head.  "Whatcha doing up here, shank?"  Minho nudged her as he sat.  "I was just...." Harper trailed off when she heard the distant sound of an engine.  "Harp-"  The girl jumped to her feet, brushing her finger against Newt's lips to silence him.  Both boys had heard it now, standing at full attention, completely alert.  Newt instinctively squeezed Harper's arm, a silent reminder that he was always there to protect her- but if he was honest, now it was more for his own comfort...

   A large truck had rolled in, stopping just before Vince.  Two men climbed out- it was their own people...  Harper had sat back down, not sure it wasn't a threat.  She squeezed Minho's wrist, quietly asking him to relax.  The boy ignored her, standing up straighter as a girl stepped out of the truck.  "No way...." Minho whispered it, squinting his eyes.  Newt muttered a swear under his breath, "It's her."

   Thomas had stood, his legs shaking.  She was here... She was safe and she was here with him. "Teresa..."  The girl was running towards Thomas at a sprint.  Minho and Newt had already started running, convinced she would try to kill him again.  "THOMAS-"  Harper was right behind them, completely ready to beat the living klunk out of the traitor if she tried anything.  Thomas had froze to the spot, eyes wide, heart racing.  Was he more excited to see her or scared she would attack him again?  Teresa threw her arms around Thomas and hugged him, her feet coming off the ground as they held each other.  Harper slowed, breathing out a sigh.  He would have her...  She would take care of him.  "Thomas," Teresa was crying, "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry. For everything... I had to do it- I-"  Thomas just stroked the hair out of her face, and kissed her as a response.  Minho made a gagging noise, earning him an elbow in the stomach from Harper.

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