3|| a morning run

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// you make me feel
    i n v i n c i b l e \\

Harper sighed as she got pulled out of her sleep by raised voices. She opened her eyes and rubbed them, looking for the source of the disturbance. Newt and Minho were glaring at each other, heads bent low. She had been there for nearly three months and she had never seen these two disagree- let alone arguing.

"I bloody told ya' why!"
"Newt, she's not yours to protect! Let the girl run! She's brave enough to do it, why stop her? No one else is brave enough to even try."
"What do you think i'm doing out there everyday?!"
"The two of us aren't getting very far are we!?"
Minho spat, looking at him with narrowed eyes, "It's not like she'll be alone."
"No. No, Minho. I will not risk her getting hurt like the others."
"We've learned now! We know not to—"
"Drop it, Minho!"

Newt glanced up and saw Harper staring; he dropped his voice, "Morning...."
Harper looked at them nervously, "Hey..."
So they had been arguing about her- At least Minho was on her side. She knew Newt cared about her but Minho was right- They weren't accomplishing anything at the rate they were going. Minho turned and headed into the maze without another word. Newt sighed in frustration and followed behind him.
Feeling alone, Harper stood up and headed to the gardens. No one else was up yet, so she absentmindedly started on her work.

The day carried on just like every other day had the past four months- watch Newt and Minho leave, patch up a few slicers' fingers, eat, wait for Newt and Minho to come back with good news, bandage more fingers, eat, fingers, be disappointed when there was no good news. One plus side was she did have other company throughout the day- namely, Winston. He, of course, agreed, the maze was way too dangerous for her. She had given up on her protesting a long time ago, because the only result was a lecture from him.

Minho and Newt returned four hours before nightfall, just like everyday, with the same lack of news. Harper stood up, abandoning her spot between Gally and Winston as she greeted them both with water. They drank them down before heading to retrieve their own food.

The next day was the exact same.
As was the next. And the next.
And the next, for more weeks to follow.

"Harper! Harper..." A low, familiar voice was whispering; Minho shook her awake at early hours, just before the sun came up, "Harper!"
Harper squinted up at him, wondering why the early wake up call was necessary.
"Come with me..." He disappeared out of the structure, giving her no choice but to follow. She rolled her eyes and exhaled an exasperated breath. He waited outside with two backpacks, two containers of water, and an extra pair of shoes. He tossed her the shoes; still groggy, they bounced off her and landed on the ground, "Put them on... Hurry up."
He looked around nervously, as if expecting something to be coming- or worried about something.

Harper put them on, now fully awake,
"What are we doing?" She yawned, trying to find what he was looking for. Minho studied her, taking one last glance around. He leaned into her, "You're going to be a runner."

Harper's heart soared at those words. A runner. All she had wanted to be since day one.
"You're serious?" She looked at him with raised eyebrows, "A runner? You're letting me come?"
"Yes, but shut up. No one else knows."
He tossed her a backpack, "Come on."
He headed into the maze.
Heart pounding, Harper followed.

Adrenaline soared through her as she felt her legs pushing her forward, her hair flying behind her. She kept with Minho easily, paying close attention to every turn he made. Finally, she was inside the walls. She looked up as she ran, taking everything in. Despite being trapped, it really was a beautiful place.
Minho turned and looked at her, smiling; he knew this was what she was supposed to be doing.

After running for what seemed hours, Minho stopped. Harper's breath was rapid, her heart rate high. But she hadn't felt this happy since she had been here. She looked at Minho, pushing sweaty bangs out of her eyes.
"Thank you... For letting me come."
Minho nodded, smirking slightly,
"I knew i was right."

After a short break, they continued on.
Harper had never felt her lungs work this hard, nor her legs feel more powerful. They ran until she thought she would collapse from exhaustion. She was surprised to see the opening of the glade come around the corner. She hadn't even been able to tell what direction she was heading; the maze changed all her senses. Her good mood burst as she saw Newt standing outside the walls with his arms crossed, eyes burning.

She slowed as they re-entered the glade.
Newt met them first. He looked at Minho, eyes dangerous, "You!"
"You took her with you! After everything I said!" Harper backed up; she had never seen Newt this angry. Gally, Alby and Winston had joined him; the other boys watching from a distance. "How dare you, Minho.
With everything out there!"
"Calm down! Nothing happened. Nothing would have happened! I wouldn't have let anything happen!"

Harper walked away, wanting to avoid her two best friends arguing because of her. She slinked away and joined Winston outside the deadheads.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, of course I am."
She rolled her eyes; she was done with everyone assuming she couldn't take care of herself because she was a girl.

It took nearly an hour for Newt to calm down.
Harper made herself scarce the entirety of the night, not wanting to start anything else.
She couldn't stop thinking about how angry Newt had been- she wasn't hurt, she was with Minho. Why did he care so much? He didn't need to oblige himself as her babysitter.
Footsteps beside her brought her out of her thoughts, "Hey." Newt. Of course.

She looked up at him, "Hey.."
She stayed quiet as he found a spot on the grass next to her. The moonlight shone off his face, making him even more attractive.
"I um..." He shifted awkwardly, "I'm sorry about earlier." Harper started picking at blades of grass, avoiding his eyes, "Yeah... It's fine.." She shook her head, "I'm not really the one you should apologize to..." She pulled her knees up to her chest. Newt nodded, "I've already talked to Minho." It went quite again.

Newt eventually broke the silence with a sigh, "I do owe you an apology... I keep..." He sighed again, "I'm too protective of you."
Harper laughed, "I hadn't noticed..."
Newt smiled and ran a hand through his hair, "Right well... I'm sorry. I just know what's out there... And i don't want you getting hurt."
Harper nodded, "I understand that...
But why do you care so much?"
Newt looked at her, "Because I care about you."

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