29|| past and present

24 1 0

// this time i
won't forget him \\

Harper crossed her legs, sighing, turning the page of her book. The girl still lay unconscious on the bed, her long brown hair covering her face. Jeff wanted her to stay in here; he said she should have woken up long ago. At least Harper would be here to calm her down when— if— she woke up. She sighed again, returning to her book. A scream tore through the structure, scaring Harper so badly her book fell to the floor. The girl had jumped to her feet, shoving Harper against a wall.
Harper wasn't able to catch herself; she laid on the floor, head spinning. "N—" her voice failed, her body catching up to what happened. She struggled to her feet, "NEWT!" She screamed for the boy again, running out the door.

Newt crashed into her before she was out fully out the door. His eyes were wide in panic, "What happened?!" Harper took a deep breath, composing herself again, "She woke up..."

Gladers gathered around the tower, staring up in horror. "Look, it's alright! We aren't going to hurt you, just come down!" Winston tried yelling up to her. "Go away!" A rock fell,
hitting Zart on the head. The boy collapsed, unconscious on the grass. "HEY!" Gally yelled angrily. More rocks were thrown. Newt grabbed a board, holding it over he and Harper's head, "I don't think she likes us very much..." Harper ducked as another rock flew towards them. Other boys had caught on and were using whatever they could hold above their heads as shields. Some were just using their arms.

Minho and Thomas came running from the map room, Minho stopping next to Newt and Harper. "What's going on?" Chuck pointed up; he let out a laugh, "Girls are awesome."
Thomas looked up, a rock barely missing his head. "If you throw one more of those things—" Gally's cry was cut off by another rock hitting him, ending with an 'ow'.
Harper grabbed Thomas and pulled him into her, shielding his head from flying rocks.
The rocks seemed to come faster, more boys being sent to the ground.

Thomas winced, but an idea struck him.
She knew his name. Only his name.
"Hey, it's Thomas!" More rocks fell.
"It's Thomas!" The rocks stopped falling.
A brunette head peeked over the railing.
"I'm going to come up, okay?"
The boys cautiously lowered their shields and looked at each other. It stopped.
Gally and Newt started to follow Thomas, but Harper grabbed Newt's arm. "Just me..."
Thomas looked at Gally with a pleading expression. Gally relented, sighing.
Newt turned to Harper and his eyes softened.


Thomas climbed the ladder, finally reaching the top he was met with a machete held to his head. "Whoa- hey..." Thomas held his hands up in surrender, "It's okay..."
The girl's arm was steady, a tight hold on her weapon, "Thomas... What's going on?"
Thomas stared at her wide eyed,
"You know me? You were saying my name in your sleep... What's your name?"
She lowered her arm, eyes holding on Thomas.
He had heard that name before...
Thomas stared at Teresa; the more he stared, the more familiar she looked- the more he studied her, the more he realized how beautiful she was.  A pulsing heat filled his being- a strong connection and memory of her.

Thomas.  Everything is going to change.
Teresa's voice had said it, but her lips hadn't moved.  Thomas stumbled backwards, staring at Teresa as if she were a ghost.  "You just—"
Teresa looked at him, "All my memories are fading... I almost don't remember you."
Thomas's head was spinning, his breathing rapid as he clutched his chest.
You can do it too.
Please just talk to me.

Thomas stood up, backing away, leaning against the guardrail.  "How are you doing that?"
Doing what?
"Get out of my head!"
Teresa smirked, "Sorry."

Thomas grew quiet, just staring out into the glade. Minho, Newt and Harper still stood below them, all talking quietly, looking up at them periodically. Thomas looked to Teresa again, her long hair being tossed in the light breeze. "Do you remember them?"
Teresa shook her head, her eyes fixed on something in the distance, "No..."
She sighed, "I only remember you.
Why do I only remember you?"

Thomas shifted, inhaling, "I don't know..."
He drummed his fingers on the wood absentmindedly, "Why are we here?"
Teresa just stayed quiet. Her hand slowly slid into her pocket, "This came up with me..."
A blue vial laid in her palm. Thomas picked it up, holding it gently between his fingers.
"What is it?"


Harper held the vial of blue liquid in her hand, Newt and Minho studying it over her shoulder. She turned it over in her fingers,
"WCKD..." Newt took it from Harper, eyes narrowed, biting his lip.
"That's the same thing written on our supplies..." Winston crossed his arms,
"It must be whoever sent us here..."
Zart looked at it from his position across the room. Harper rolled her eyes at this obvious comment.

Harper took it back from Newt, starting to walk across the room. Newt and Minho looked at each other questioningly. Harper's thumb ran across it, the wheels in her brain spinning, trying to decipher what it is. "Alby..."
"Alby? What about Alby?"
But Harper was already heading up the stairs.
"Harp— What?"
Minho and Newt didn't hesitate to run after her, both shouting at her.  Harper stood by Alby's bed, her hand nervously twitching, holding a syringe filled with the blue liquid.
"Harper... What are you doing?"
Newt was first in the room, face etched with concern.  Harper took a deep breath,
"Just trust me..."

    Before she could overthink it, she poked the needle into Alby's chest.  She pushed her thumb down hard against the syringe, the blue
liquid ejected into his blood.  Newt jumped forward, grabbing Harper and pulling her backwards, "That could kill him!"
Harper squirmed, fighting free of Newt's hold,
"Look at him. He's worse off right now."

Newt's eyes fell dead on her, the anger melting away.  Minho watched from the door, silent; face unreadable. Alby's chest rose slowly, falling again. His body relaxed, the black and blue veins lightening. Harper let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Newt exhaled, pinching his nose, "Alright."
Harper smirked at him, knowingly.
Newt shook his head, the corner of his mouth curved up into a smile; his first smile in a long time.

Newt rested his head on Harper's shoulder.
The three of them just watched Alby, all wondering what the liquid was, but thankful it had worked.  "Hey..." Gally broke their silence, arms crossed by the doorway, "It's sundown."
Harper sighed, looking at Newt.  Newt nodded sadly.  "Get Thomas..."
Gally disappeared again, leaving Harper worrying about her brother's punishment.
Minho patted a hand on her back, giving her a reassuring smile.  Harper didn't return it.

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