63|| reuniting

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// if i could see
your face once more
i'd die a happy man i'm sure \\

Thomas shifted in his unconscious state; moaning slightly. Newt stood above him, eyebrows knit in concern. His bullet hole had been taken care of properly, but he wouldn't wake. "Mary, why won't he wake up? What's the matter with him?" Mary, a doctor and head of the Right Arm looked at him softly, "That bullet was very old and rusty... His body is fighting off infection, but that's why I gave him this." She held up a small jar of ointment. Mary smiled sadly, nodding once, "He's going to be fine. We all need him..." Newt exhaled, shaking his head. He needed to clear his head, he needed a distraction. Shortly after lunch, that distraction came.

Several men with guns were running up the hill, followed by a team of nurses. Newt squinted, narrowing his eyes. The group had come back- this time they had others with them. More immunes... Newt's heart stopped. One was running towards him; guards were pointing guns at her as she ran down the hill with a mad determination. She tripped, fell completely on face, but that didn't even stop her as she stood again. She didn't even acknowledge the guns; her eyes were only on Newt. A boy was running behind her, neither of them phased by the guns or yelling. She reached him first, throwing her arms around him. The force knocked him to the ground, but he held her like his life depended on it. "Newt..." She burrowed her face in his neck, her body starting to shake with sobs. Minho stood above him, instead of a smile he looked angry. "Newt..." A smile appeared as the two patted each other on the shoulders. "What-"

Newt's question was cut off when he got a clear look of Harper's face. "Harper..." Newt's eyes immediately moved to Minho, "How long has she been like this?" Minho shook his head, "A few days..." Newt's eyes fell, along with his heart, "Harper..." Harper just looked at him, "Don't. I already know..." Her eyes had darkened even more, the veins spreading up her neck. "Where's Thomas?" Arms wrapped around Harper in a tight hug and she immediately recognized Fry's voice, "Miss Harper." He was beaming, his genuine smile wide enough to be contagious immediately. Newt nodded to the tent, "In there..." Harper's improved mood immediately fell as she pulled back the curtains and rushed to his side. Minho followed behind her, eyes wide. "Thomas?" Harper reached for his hand.

The boy shifted, turning his head toward her voice. "Hey... It's me..." His eyes fluttered open, "Em..." Harper's eyebrows pinched together- "No.. It's me.." Thomas smiled weakly, "Your real name... It's Emily." Harper looked down at him, a small, sad smile. Thomas sat up, rubbing his eyes. The pain had left, leaving only a red, messy scar. "You-" he stared at her worriedly, "You aren't immune..." He was on his feet too quickly, stumbling forward and grabbing her to stay upright.

"I can help her." A sad voice spoke, leaning into the doorway. "I can give her time..." Mary walked towards her slowly, "Hi, sweetie." Harper looked at Thomas nervously. Thomas nodded, hand on her shoulder, "It's okay. You can trust her." Harper sat hesitantly on the hospital bed, Minho instantly by her side, "What are you going to do to her?" Mary moved to a drawer, pulling out a blue vial, "This is the bliss... It won't cure her. But it will give her time..." Minho set his jaw, "How long?" Mary hesitated, "It's different for everyone..." She pulled a needle out, injecting the blue liquid into her veins. As the needle was pulled back out, Harper collapsed onto the bed. Unconsciousness taking her as the exhaustion and strain caught her.

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