81|| lost

7 1 0

// don't weep for me,
for this will be
the labor
of my love \\


          Ava Paige rushed in, staring at Harper in horror.  No.  No no no...  "Bring A7 in here."  Teresa's heart sank.  It sank so quickly she couldn't breathe.  "Agnes.  Bring A7 in here, now."  Ava's tone changed, looking at Teresa; challenging.  Teresa nodded, unable to swallow the knot in her throat.  She was shaking, knowing full well her life was very likely about to end.  Teresa instinctively grabbed her neck, panic building inside her.  Teresa opened the door, "Minho."  Her voice was shaking, "I need you to come with me."  Minho snorted, "Shuck off,"  Teresa took a deep breath, "It's Harper.  You need to come with me..."  Minho was to his feet, "What did you do..."  Teresa didn't respond.  She only walked faster, knowing the boy would follow. 

     Minho's mind raced, pleading with some unknown force that she was okay.  She had to be.  She had to be or he would—  His mind trailed off as panic took over.   Teresa stopped outside the Operating Room.  Minho's heart stopped.  Harper was on the hospital bed, the monitors all as motionless as her.  He turned to Teresa furiously before Doctor Paige stepped into the hallway, "Mister Park..."  Minho threw a punch but it was caught by a guard, "Mister Park, I'm so sorry."  Minho was shaking.  He wasn't sure if it was with grief or anger, but his vision blurred.  The voices all blurred together, hearing a few words from everyone.  "–needed her,"  "-your cooperation-"  "shot was running-"  "Teresa-"  "shot her–"  Minho's head snapped to that direction, his eyes blazing, "Who shot her."  Minho was shaking.  "It was an accident—"  Jansen cut Ava off, "It was Clark."  Minho looked to the man who had just paled, stepping back.  Clark.  Minho had tackled the man before anyone could move.  He was screaming, hands around the man's throat.  Several guards moved to stop Minho, but Jansen stopped them.  Ava looked panicked, Jansen watched with a smirk.  Teresa took a step back, paling as she watched the blood pooling around the man.  The man didn't even have time to scream before Minho snapped his neck. 

     Teresa gasped, almost stumbling backward.  Minho jumped to his feet, covered in blood, shaking.  He took a step but several guns were raised towards him, all clicking- loaded and aimed.  "That's enough,"  Ava breathed, straightening herself, "Go see her..."  Minho turned furiously, walking into the room.  "Harper,"  his voice cracked, looking down at his best friend.  For the first time, she looked frail, weak, completely helpless...  There was no pulse.  No breath in her lungs.  Minho felt his heart shatter, "Hey.."  He shook her, as if that would make any difference.  The tears fell and he didn't even stop them.  He didn't care that WICKED was watching, he didn't care that they saw everything.  He screamed, he sobbed, he yelled every swear word he knew, throwing the nearest table into the window that didn't break.  Minho screamed until his throat was raw. 

     Finally, when he couldn't mourn any more, he rested his head on Harper's still chest, closing his eyes.  The tears that ran down his cheeks burned, bit it was nothing compared to how much his heart ached.  "I'm sorry...  I'm so sorry."  Minho kissed her hand, closing his eyes.  Newt.. 
What was Newt going to do to him? 
Whatever it was, he deserved it.  She went after him.  Instead of staying with Newt, she went after Minho.  He was positive Newt already hated him— this would be the final straw.  Minho held Harper's hand, just looking down at her.  The more he looked at her, the sicker he felt.  The veins had faded.  The virus had taken his best friend, but with it it took any sign it was ever there. 

     Minho was aware of footsteps behind him, he ignored them.  "Mister Park,"  Ava.  "Shuck off,"  Minho wasn't moving.  "You have to let her go,"  "Shuck off,"  He wasn't saying shuck either time.  "Mister Park-"  "What will you do with her," he didn't recognize his voice, barely recognized his surroundings or himself.   "We'll take her to the burn pit."  Minho stood up angrily, "No."  His anger returned, taking over, "I want to burry her."  Ava sighed, "We can't let you—"  "I'm going to burry her,"   There were never proper funerals in the Glade.  And Minho couldn't remember what a proper funeral was.  But he knew, of all people, Harper deserved one. 
She said she would make it until she saw Newt again... 
Minho forced the thoughts away. 
Before Ava could argue back again, the heart monitor began beeping.

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