33|| runner's race

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//    and almost every day
i'm running around the block \\

    Before the sun was up the next morning, Harper was in the maze with Thomas.
She hadn't told Newt she was going, nor Minho, but they knew her well enough they would figure it out anyway.  Thomas was stretching by the doors.  The towering cement wall was still closed, not ready to be explored yet.  Harper met him there, tossing him a water pack.  Thomas placed it in the pocket behind him before staring at his sister again.  Harper was pulling her messy hair back into a pony tail, stretching her legs at the same time.

"Are you sure about this?"
Thomas's eyes were fixed on her cautiously.
The familiar groan and grinding started, the doors starting to open.  Harper gave Thomas a playful smile, "I'm always sure."
The pair exchanged a look, determination and curiosity swirling through their brains.
"Let's do this."
Harper led the way, the first one to cross the maze's doors. Thomas smirked, following behind her; their strides perfectly in sync.

Thomas slid to a stop, thankful that Ben's shirt was still there as a marker. He tensed however, when he saw Harper's face. The girl had paled, staring at the cloth with a growing sadness in her eyes. Harper shook it off quickly however, and turned the corner towards the blades. "Lead on, little bro."
She playfully smirked, punching Thomas in the arm. Ow. Thomas smiled at her, ignoring the urge to rub his arm. Did Minho teach her how to punch or did she just pick it up fighting hormonal boys off?

Thomas picked up the pace again, Harper dropping the vines behind them as they ran.
She skidded to a stop when he did, looking at him expectantly. Thomas turned his back towards Harper as she pulled the key out.
He held in his hand tightly, taking a few steps forward. The same click and whistle and the wall came sliding down once again. Harper stepped toward it immediately, staring at it in a transfixed wonder. "Find me something to throw..." She didn't move from her spot, afraid if she got too far it would close. She gripped the key in her palm, walking closer toward the edge. Thomas's hand brushed against her arm, passing her a rock.

Harper squinted, her head tilted. "Do you see something I don't?" Thomas looked at his sister, then to where her eyes were focused.
He strained his eyes, trying to find whatever she could see. "There's nothing there."
Harper's voice rang with amusement,
"But look," she pointed to the direct center, in front of them, "Just below the mist... It fades out-" Thomas saw what she was saying. Just far enough out, it flickered- almost like a hologram. Harper raised her arm, tossing the rock aimlessly. It flew ten feet before falling until she could no longer see it. Thomas handed her another; she did the same thing on the opposite side. The same result.
Harper bit her cheek, lip twitching in deep thought. "Give me another one."
Thomas sighed, "Harper..."
"One more." Reluctantly Thomas handed her a third rock, getting tired of this redundant act.
This time, Harper's aim was the direct center.
The rock flew exactly in front of them, before disappearing. Thomas gasped.
Harper smiled smugly, "That's what I thought..." She threw one more, just to make sure it was really real. Instead of falling, the rock vanished in the air. Harper took a deep breath, her heart rate rising, "That's our way out."

Before Thomas could respond, the ground groaned, throwing him into Harper. Harper steadied him, eyes knit in concern. A metallic grinding shook Harper to the bones. A clicking followed by a low whirring made Thomas go pale.
"Shuck, we gotta go!"
Harper stuffed the key in Thomas's pack before spinning around and running. Thomas followed but not before a bulbous, slimy mix of mesh and metal emerged from what seemed to be thin air. It jumped, landing where the Harper was just standing. Harper screamed Thomas's name, snapping him back into the present. He skidded around the corner, following Harper with the griever behind him.

The griever didn't slow until they reached the blades. He shrieked, sliding to a stop and clacking back to his hole. Thomas stopped, hunched over, catching his breath. He didn't even get a moment before Harper screamed, "Thomas, we need to go now!"
The blades were turning, starting to close.
And they were on the wrong side.
"THOMAS!" Harper was already running, calling to her brother who was still standing there in a stupor. Thomas sprinted through column after column, each time getting closer to not making it. Harper had thrown herself sideways, finally making it past the last of them. Thomas screamed with effort, his legs working harder than they ever had, determined to make it through the last row before they closed. He pushed himself through the final closing one, landing on Harper with a grunt.

She was on her feet instantly, hands on her knees, doubled over. Thomas sat on the ground, gasping for air and draining his water.
Harper leaned back, her head on the solid maze walls. She smiled; making it out alive after another meeting with death. Thomas shook his head, a proud smile finding him, too.


Before they had crossed back into the glade, Newt and Minho were rushing towards them, followed by the rest of the boys.
"What the shuck is going on out there?!"
Newt looked over the two runners in worry, assuring there was no injuries. Gally stepped forward, pushing past most, "What have you done now, Thomas?" Thomas collapsed onto the grass, rolling onto his back, catching his breath. Harper took a long drink of water, hands on her knees. Newt put a hand on her elbow, steadying her. Finally the girl stood straight, her eyes addressing the group,
"We found the way out."

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