43|| what's going on

18 2 0

// welcome to
the new age \\

    "I see you've all found each other..."
A low raspy voice spoke, "Nice to see you've taken the liberty of showing yourselves around.
All part of the system, I suppose..."
Harper took a step in front of her friends, eyes glaring dangerously.  "You're WICKED."
The corner of the man's mouth twitched up,
"I myself, am not wicked."  He took a short breath, remaining just as calm as ever. 
"I'm Assistant Director Janson."

    If they were supposed to somehow react, no one moved.  Minho stepped close to Harper,
"He looks like a rat..."  A small smile stretched on her lips, looking at the man amused.
And shuck it, he did.  A small, pinched face, two front teeth sticking out past his lips.
If Jansen- Ratman- Heard this comment, he ignored it.  "WICKED is a group- it's a system."
"A system that steals kids?"  Harper's anger was flying dangerously now.  The ratman just sighed, "We are not the monsters you think we are...  We are on the same side as you."
Thomas spoke this time, "Yeah?
What side is that?" 
Jansen just smiled.

    "Come with me please."
The gladers looked at each other nervously.
The ratman sensed their hesitation and turned to face them again, "She's fine, by the way..."
This got their attention, "Teresa. 
She asks about you too..." 
His eyes met Thomas and then they were walking.  "Don't trust a work this shank says..."
Minho said it under his breath, leaning close to Harper.  As if she didn't know.  "No shuck..."
Minho smirked at this comment, which was returned.  "Where is she?  Teresa."
Janson just raised a hand, "All in good time..."

    After turning a corner, they were in a small room, a desk in the front, a few boys sitting against the wall.  "Riley!  Jack!"  She grabbed the two boys and pulled them into hug.  They wrapped their arms around her; both looking groggy and scared.  "Are you guys okay?"
Jack nodded, a deep breath escaping; he looked relieved.  "Is everyone here?" 
They filed in through the door, all looking as anxious and expectant as the other. 

As Janson sat at his desk, an unfamiliar voice spoke, causing all the gladers to freeze.  Minho  stood straighter, his chest sticking out.
Newt pulled Harper against him, staring at the unfamiliar figure.

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