53|| shady trust and new allies

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// i must have forgot
you can't trust me\\

    The words sat and tumbled in Harper's head,
"Get them down?  What do you mean?"
Jorge had disappeared into one of the many rooms that branched off from the main area.
Brenda gave her a slight smirk as she followed him without out a word.  Harper groaned in frustration as she followed behind.  She squinted in the dimly lit room. 

    "Good news..."
Jorge pulled a leaver. 
Clacking of chains moving against metal, followed by screams.  Chains dropped from above; hanging from them, by the ankles, were the boys.  Harper screamed, running over to them.  Minho had grunted upon the sudden jerk of being dropped.  "Oh hey..." He twisted, looking at Harper grinning. 
"Let them go..."
Harper held Minho's hands, studying him, assuring that he was okay.  "Yes, alright."
Jorge pulled the leaver again, dropping them several more feet- earning more panicked yells.
"Stop!"  Her heart had leapt each time.
"What'd that shuckface do to you anyway?"
Jorge looked to Harper with wide eyes, "What'd he call me?"  Harper ignored him as she grabbed hold of Minho's waist, pulling him toward her on the ground.  "Thank you..."
Minho sat on the ground, watching Harper as she untied his ankles.  Slowly, as Jorge just watched her in his unhelpful state, an amused smile on his face the whole time-  Harper finished freeing all her friends. 

    "I think you guys should be pretty happy your smart aleck friend has a girlfriend with brains."  Minho's face reddened, "You li-"
"Minho, don't."  Harper shot him a look, and the boy actually shut his mouth.  "You okay?"
As soon as Newt was untied, he was next to Harper.  She nodded, her eyes scarcely avoiding his.  "What did you tell him?"
There was accusation in Frypan's voice- maybe some hurt.  "Hey..."  Minho warned,
"She isn't stupid." 

    "I told him everything I know..." 
Thomas looked at her, gaping, "What?"
"I trust him.  If he wanted to hurt us or kill us, he would have done so."  "Do you not remember us being hung by our ankles while you shared tea and cookies?!"  This was the first time Aris had said anything of his own opinion.  "You don't talk to her like-"
"Newt." She eased him, "It's alright."
Jorge was shaking his head, "You all are in dire need of some direction."  He considered, "Be thankful this young lady got you a guide."
"You what?!"  Harper elbowed Thomas,
"He's right.  We need all the help we can get."


    Harper nearly had to physically restrain Minho as the gladers sat around the table with Jorge and Brenda.  "I don't trust-" he shoved Newt's arm away, taking a step forward, "A single thing that comes out of this slinthead's shuck mouth."  Harper buried her head in her hands; this would shortly turn disastrous again.  "Minho..." She tried pleading with him but the boy kept talking in a rage.  Brenda just stared blankly at him, every once and a while shifting her bored stare to Jorge.  Jorge eventually stood up.  Harper sensed the danger in the room before he even spoke.  "I don't like how your boyfriend talks to me."  He leaned forward, inches from Harper's face. 
"He's not her boyfriend."  Harper remained silent, staring at the man cautiously.  Minho was treading on dangerous ground now- any moment he could get himself killed or ruin everything.  Harper would die for her best friend, but he was too bold and rash- and that was the last thing they needed.

    "I'm willing to make a deal."
Jorge spread his arms wide and smiled, as if this was the best news they could possibly hear.
Harper frowned, "Sir?"  She cautiously stood,
"I thought we already solved all of this?"
Jorge pressed his hands together, staring at her softly.  "Well see, I told you I was in...
Now, however-  I offer you food, safe passage and protection, along with my sworn loyalty."
"Okay..."  Harper tilted her head.  If?
"On one condition."
Harper stared at him, waiting.
Jorge turned, pointing a finger to Minho,
"He dies."

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