70|| goodbye

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// you're gone, gone, gone away
i watched you disappear;

all that's left is the ghost of you \\

Newt's screams echoed through the empty valley. She was gone. Thomas was speechless, slumped against a rock, staring at the ground. He was numb. Teresa. Harper. Minho. "You let her go." Thomas' voice came out quiet and raspy. Newt looked up, his eyes dark and stormy. "Tommy-" His fists clenched, jaw locked. She left him... She went after Minho.. They took her. "Damn," Vince's voice was hallow as he shook his head. "Is that all you have to say?" Thomas had stood to his feet, "They just came- They destroyed everything! They took my sister, they took Minho, they killed-" "Who's bloody fault is that, Tommy?!" Newt was squeezing his gun in anger, "Your shucking girlfriend! She called them! She led them straight to us!" Thomas shoved Newt, "Shut up! There's nothing I can do about it now! She's gone! They're both gone now!" Newt's nostrils flared with every breath, staring at Thomas furiously, "You..." Newt shook his head. Hatred like no other boiled inside him. "She was all I had." His voice shook. His accent thickened in his anger. Emotion boiled over, Newt quickly blinking it away, "And she's gone. Because. Of You. Because of your shuck girlfriend." "Hey... Whoa-" Frypan raised his arm cautiously, "It's not Thomas' fault...." Thomas took a deep breath, looking at Newt sadly.
"I'm sorry,"
Newt scoffed, shaking his head.

"We're going to get her back."

Newt actually laughed, "Get her back? Get her back!? Thomas you know better than anyone she doesn't have long. She won't have-" He closed his eyes tightly, shaking his head. "You know I would be going after her if I knew there was any chance at all." The remainder of Group B stayed quiet- Harriet and Vince talked quietly among themselves, comforting each other in silence. "They took Aris and Sonya." The girl finally spoke up, "They were the only thing I had to call family." Thomas looked at the girl solemnly, "Then let's get them..." Newt swore under his breath, shaking his head. He kicked a rock, watching it scatter across the dirt before turning away from the group.

Thomas watched his friend sadly. Someone squeezed his hand, slowly wrapping her arms around his arm, looking at him sadly. Brenda. Thomas shook her off, heading off on his own. "Newt," The boy didn't even acknowledge him, "Newt..." Thomas approached him cautiously. "-the only reason I'm still here," Newt shook his head, poking at the dirt with a rock. It was clear the boy had been crying. Thomas just sat beside him in silence. He wasn't there... He hadn't been there in the early days. "Newt, I-" "No," Newt looked up coldly, "You just bloody listen. Shut your shuck mouth and let me talk." Thomas winced, nodding, deciding it best not to upset him further. "I never told her. Too scared. Never knew what she would say. And now she's dying. She's bloody dying and I still haven't said a shuck thing. And now it doesn't matter. Because she's gone. She chose to go after him." Thomas stared at him in confusion, "Newt, I-" Newt glared at him, "She went after him." Newt threw the rock angrily, "She was in my arms... I thought I was going to lose her. I've almost lost her twice. I heard the gun go off and... I thought that was it. But there she was. I was holding her. And now she's gone."

Thomas stood up, a new determination in his eyes. He marched towards camp, the others already watching his attitude shift. Vince sat up, looking up at Thomas, squinting into the sun, "Well don't you just look like you own the place." Thomas just stood straighter, "This isn't about me," He finally spoke, "This is about them. It's about everyone WICKED has taken. Everyone they've killed. Everyone they will continue to kill. They took my sister. They took my best friend." Harriet was the first to stand, "What do you suggest?" Thomas smirked slightly, "We get them back. We make them pay... Show them we are done being scared. Done being pushed around. Done letting them tear us apart." Harriet was smiling, along with Vince. "You're a good talker, kid..." "You almost make it sound possible," Newt was leaning against an overturned truck, looking at Thomas gravely. "Let's go get them..." Vince tossed his gun over his shoulder. "Let's make WICKED pay for everything." Newt's face hardened, looking at Thomas with a nod of a approval.

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