65|| prodigal son

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// retrouvaille -
(n.) the joy of meeting or finding
someone again after a long separation;
rediscovery \\

    Harper sat on the dry ground next to Minho and Newt, squinting at their surroundings as the sun's light beat down, still scorching their world.  She tore a bit of bread off and passed it to Newt, who was staring at the ground, lost in thought, too anxious to eat.  Minho passed Harper the water canteen, sighing as he finished the bread, "Some life, we have, hey, shuckface?" He nudged Harper, who's only response was resting her head on Minho's shoulder.  She was tired, but this wasn't a sleep tired... Her tired was more wanting to give up.. She was tired of lies, tired of games, tired of these stupid trials, and so completely tired of running.

   Thomas sat anxiously beside Brenda, his eyes scanning the grounds ever so often, "I don't understand... Where is she?" He sighed, "She should be here too..."  Brenda tilted her head, "Why are you so stuck on a girl who tried to kill you?" Thomas ignored her and stood up.  A ways off, a truck was pulling in, screeching as it braked.  A group of kids climbed out-  three girls and one boy.  Brenda had stood to her feet beside Thomas, looking at the new recruits.  Her eyes were narrowed, studying them, her eyes rested on the boy before they grew wide, "GEORGE?"  Brenda was running forward, towards the boy with arms spread wide.  The boy looked confused, scared even, but his expression changed as recognition took over.  He hugged her tightly, the pair embracing like their life depended on it.  The boy had buried his face in Brenda's shoulder and even from where Thomas stood, it was obvious he was crying.  Thomas couldnt help but smile.. He hadn't even remembered he had a sister, so didnt know to miss anyone... But to remember but never see again...  "Dave?  You know this girl?"  One of the girls were looking at the boy curiously.  "His name isn't Dave." Brenda didnt lift her head from George's shoulder, "His name is George... He's my little brother."  The boy looked to be around fourteen, and  not any older... "He was in our maze...  One of the only two boys."  Thomas had joined them, looking at them expectantly; so there were two girls in Group A and two boys in Group B...  And this was just another family wicked split up, another sibling left not remembering...

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