41|| safe and free

21 2 0

// take a moment
and hold it
and keep it frozen
and know life has
a hopeful undertone \\

Thomas held Chuck's carving in his bloody hand, the blood dyeing the wood a sick red.
He squeezed his eyes shut. All he could see was his best friend choking- gasping for air.
They had made it out- found their freedom; and in an instant, it all crashed. He bowed his head, more tears starting to fall. Teresa was hugging him; her embrace the only thing that comforted him.

Harper slept on; her head laying in Newt's lap, Newt's arm draped over her as he stared helplessly ahead. She stayed in a deep dreamless sleep for the first time in years.

Thomas didn't remember falling asleep, but the next thing he knew, he was dreaming of coming up in the box. His heart raced as he cried out for help; pleading that anyone would hear him. He wasn't going back. Not again.


The helicopter shuttered and moaned, waking Harper up. She sat up, looking worse than before. She was covered in blood, many bruises had formed and her face was pale.
"Newt, what's going on?"
"We're landing..."
Harper pulled herself together. The heaviness of loss was still there, but that wouldn't go away any time soon- if ever.

Once they landed, the men in black pulled the doors open. "Come on! Hurry up!"
Harper was roughly grabbed and dragged out of the helicopter. She was thrown on her feet and pushed towards a huge building.
"Don't touch her!" Newt and Minho's voices intertwined, but they were both soon by her side, having also been roughly thrown out with her. Newt grabbed her arm, "Are you alright?" "Fine..." Harper just looked around wide eyed. It was cold and snow covered the ground. Snow... She remembered playing in it with Thomas when they were younger.
Minho was standing, like usual, prepared to fight.  He was looking around, likely for any sign of trouble.

The gladers were rushed through huge doors, inside what looked like a garage. There were people inside it, all busy, caring nothing for the new arrivals. "Newt, I have a bad feeling..."
"Don't worry about it... We're safe."
He put a hand on her shoulder, remaining quiet. "Just through there..." One of the men pointed through another door. Thomas hesitated, looking at Harper. She gave him a worried look before walking through it herself.

A smiling woman greeted them. She had dark skin and her hair was pulled back into a tight bun. "Welcome... We've been waiting for you for a long time..." Her smile was reassuring but her voice was not.
"Girls, follow me. Boys you will go that way..."
Newt and Thomas both stepped forward immediately, "No... We aren't split up."
"Please... I need the girls to come with me."
Harper kissed Newt on the cheek looking grave, "I'll be okay..." She took a deep breath as she and Teresa left the boys.

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