20|| pretty sleeper

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// when choices end,
  you must defend  \\

    Minho left the glade early to get a head start on running the maze.  He and Ben had been mapping new sections faster than any of the other runners- but that may be because Minho gave Harper all the new recruits; something about her being more patient and nicer. 
Newt didn't like the new arrangement at all; Minho was the one who was supposed to be looking out for Harper and making sure she was safe. Harper had insisted, countless times, that she would be fine and knew the maze just as well as Minho by now, but Newt still worried; Newt always worried about her.

As she, Caleb, and Jack filled their waters and packed their packs, Newt joined them.
Harper smiled at his arrival.
"Hey, Newt..." as if she didn't wake up in his arms in the grass. "Be careful out there today..." He nodded, handing Harper an extra apple. She smiled gratefully, "I always am..."
His eyes shifted to the other two,
"I know you are..."
Harper shook her head, "We'll be fine."
Keeping her eyes on Newt, reassurance did not soften his face.  Harper tilted her head and bit her lip, "I promise..."  She placed a quick kiss on his jawline before turning and heading toward the doors.  Newt's face relaxed into a smile as he shook his head: smitten.

"Good morning, Newt!"
A small voice broke him out of his thoughts,
"Hey, Chuck," he patted the boy on the shoulder, "What's Alby got you doing today?"
Chuck shrugged, "Apparently all I'm good for is gathering supplies for Gally..." He frowned. 
Newt's grin melted into a half frown,
"Hey Chuckie, don't say that...  You have an important job; you do something for everyone, you help out everywhere..."  Chuck didn't answer, he just nodded, "How about you help me in the gardens today?"  Chuck looked up as his mouth spread into a sly smile, nodding he followed the older boy.

    Harper weaved through the sharp corners of the maze, Caleb and Jack a ways behind her.  They were always slow when they started out; one of the reasons Minho didn't want them; he was always rushing, no time for slower boys. "Wait," Harper held her arm out, signaling the boys to stop. The two locked their legs into a halt; Jack looked at her with an annoyed look, "What?" Harper ignored him, eyes squinting, focusing on a noise a ways away. Whatever it was was getting closer; and it was getting closer fast. As Harper turned to address the boys a heavy mass crashed into her at full force, sending her flying backwards, smacking her head on the hard concrete ground.
"Minho..." Harper squinted, her head was throbbing and her vision was fuzzy.
Minho yelled something as he jumped off, pulling him with her. Harper stumbled, her head still cloudy, the maze walls spinning.
What did he say?
Ben, Jack and Caleb had all turned around, sprinting away from the two, screaming. Minho had ahold of Harper's arm, pulling her along behind him at full speed. She was so discombobulated. Harper's head had smacked against the ground hard; her senses all out of whack. "Harper!"
She snapped back into it, "Wha..."

Gasping as if cold water had been thrown on her, Harper ignored the pain in her head as the crazed adrenaline kicked in. Tripping, she crashed into Minho again, her senses now fully functioning. Minho grabbed her around the waist, straightened her to her feet and pushed her along in front of him. At some point the griever had stopped pursuit; disappearing back into his section, confident his opposers were now far enough away. Harper had blocked out the pain in her head, though her vision was still blurred. Her heart pounded as they crossed the grass. Her legs locked on impact; shocked from falling, then being dragged forward at their fastest possible pace. Harper hit the ground hard, her head feeling the full force of the last fall and this one. She moaned before all went black.


"Move. Move! Let me through!"
Jeff and Clint stepped outside as Newt shoved through the crowd of concerned gladers.
Newt's eyes fell on the pair of med-jacks, his gaze burning between terror and anger.
"She's going to be okay...
It's just a concussion."
Clint held his arms open, signaling for everyone to calm down. Chuck stood in the front, next to Gally and Winton. His soft eyes filled with tears, he looked to Clint with worry.
"Let me in." Newt stared at the boys coolly.
"No.. We can't. She needs to rest." Jeff shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah?" Newt's eyes flickered dangerously, "Then i just won't bother her." Minho's eyes jumped between the three, watching cautiously, "Just let us in, man..."
He was surprised at himself for keeping his cool; especially since he was the one who had carried Harper's unconscious body in on the bed an hour ago.

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