13|| clear

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//   and what we want,
we know we can't believe \\

    Daniel and Scott raced each other through the maze, laughing, not caring about the time.  Their running duties were over for the day; they decided on a friendly race back to the glade.  The sun was ready to set; the walls would be closing shortly.  They had been running the maze for two months; by now, they knew the drill.  Scott was far ahead, swerving around the corners. A faint clicking silenced both boys, causing them to slide to a stop.
Scott's eyes widened, "Griever..."
"Shuck!" Daniel didn't move, he just stared behind them, looking for what he feared to see.
"Dan! We gotta go!"
He didn't move.
The clicking neared, and around the corner came the griever.


    Harper stood next to Minho, staring into the maze. "Shouldn't they have been back?"
Minho didn't respond, he just stared ahead, eyebrows creased, eyes filled with worry.
Harper took a deep breath, her anxiety growing.  Minho looked at her, as if her words have finally reached him, "They'll be fine..."
Harper was now anything but hopeful.  The anxiety weighing her down, she walked over to Newt, sitting down next to him on the hammock.  "Why aren't they back?"
Newt sighed, resting his head on her shoulder.  Taking a deep breath, he finally spoke,
"I don't know..."  Harper sighed and hugged his arm, tilting her head on top of his.  She shifted her eyes back to the maze.  There was still no sign of them. 

    The obvious worry had spread through the glade.  Every boy was standing, pacing or sitting, all staring at the maze doors expectantly. Harper stood up again, walking back over to Minho, "Should we go find them?"
Minho looked at her, eyes sad, "The doors are going to close in moments... There's no time."
Harper's stomach rose to her throat; they knew the maze, they knew when the doors closed.
Her heart sank, in realization-
something was horribly wrong.

Flashes of Stephen replayed in her head, her heart racing. They weren't going to come back, they would never cross through the doors again. Gally stared at the maze doors darkly; this realization hit him too. A few boys gasped, raising their voices as movement was seen. The doors creaked, groaned, then clicked as they started grinding to a close.
Scott was running with all his might towards the closing doors; eyes wide with horror. His feet dragged, pace hitched- something was wrong. "Come on, Scott!" The doors had eight feet to go, closing slowly was for once a blessing. Scott stumbled, legs too weak to catch him, he fell. The boys all screamed. He wasn't going to make it. He would be the first boy Harper had known to be stuck in the maze all night. No one survives a night in the maze.
Minho's words to her ran through her head like an echo. Scott would be trapped, alone out there until a griever came and tore him apart like they did to Stephen. Anger and panic swelled up inside Harper. She wasn't going to let this boy die.

Minho watched in horror as he read Harper's face. He knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Harper—" before the sentence was even out, Harper was through the narrowly open maze doors. Newt sprinted toward the doors, completely hysterical. Minho stared, not able to move, shocked. Harper was going to be trapped in the maze over night. With a jolt, he snapped out of his stupor and ran after Newt. He wasn't losing another glader to the maze; last of all, Harper. With five feet open, Harper dragged a stumbling Scott behind her. Minho and Newt frantically grabbed Harper around the shoulders and waist and yanked her through the doors. The doors thundered closed as the four of them landed in a pile.
Harper, breathless, stood up. Scott was on his hands and knees, breathing rapidly, breaths short and stuttered. Harper backed up, staring down at him in concern, giving him space.
"I couldn't save– I tried—"

Before Scott could say another word, Newt was on his feet. He pushed Harper against the wall, eyes burning,
Harper winced, shocked by the sudden force and tone. She stumbled as if she'd been slapped; Newt had never been this mad, let alone yelled at her. She shoved him off, finding herself growing angry, "SORRY I WOULDN'T JUST LEAVE HIM TO DIE LIKE THE REST OF YOU!" Newt took a step closer to her; both of them stared coldly at each other. Minho jumped between them, shoving Newt back with a hand on his chest, "That's enough!"
Newt's nostrils flared, eyes a raging fire.
Harper glared at both of them, eyes narrow; without a word, she turned and disappeared into the deadheads.

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