23|| a stinging loss

36 2 0

// don't forget
about me, no \\

Thomas had been assigned to track-hoe.
Beside Newt, he talked more than worked.
Newt was tired of all his questions— he asked more questions than Harper had when she came, and that was saying something. Sighing, Newt handed Thomas a bucket, "Look.
Why don't you just go dig us up some more fertilizer."

Thomas took the bucket, slouching off towards the woods. He mumbled under his breath,
"Just go get some fertilizer, Thomas.
You know where it's at. Just out in the woods."
A tree branch snapped and Harper jumped to the ground, landing in front of Thomas. The boy yelped and covered his face with his arm.
Harper laughed, propping herself up, hand on her hip, "Do you talk to yourself often?"
She smirked, amused at the embarrassment on Thomas's face.

Thomas looked down, the red in his cheeks evident, "I was just....getting fertilizer..."
Harper nodded, "That's what Newt made me do when I came in... Until I became a med-jack..." Thomas looked at her, "And now you're a runner?" Harper nodded, "It's all I wanted to do... Newt was protesting. Finally he gave in and let me join." "Newt was a runner?"
Harper's face fell. Was. A permanent souvenir. "Yeah... He um...got hurt..."
"What hap—"
Harper's eyes flashed; she gave him a sad smile, "I'd rather not re-live it..."

Thomas nodded, understanding he had passed his limit, "How did you become a runner?"
Harper shook her head, the smirk returning to her lips, "Shuck it, greenie, you ask a lot of questions." The boy looked down, "I've heard that a lot here... Didn't know asking questions was against the rules..."
Harper laughed, "I was just like you..
Asking questions isn't wrong, it's just you can't always get an answer..." Harper dusted her pants off as she passed Thomas. Before heading toward the homestead, she stopped, "By the way," she faced Thomas again, "Fertilizer is that way..." She smirked as Thomas changed his direction.

Minho pulled his knees up as he took another drink from his bottle.
"What's up with you today, slinthead?"
He looked at Harper quizzically.
Harper looked at him with wrinkled brows,
"What are you talking about?"
"You're just quiet...lost in thought."
Harper shrugged, "What do you think of Thomas?" Minho sat up, "You're not like— attracted to that shuckface are you?"
Harper snorted, her water nearly coming out her nose, "No! No, no no..." She wiped her chin, "He just seems familiar..."
Minho shook his head, "If you say so..."

Newt stood up, eyes furiously scanning the glade. Thomas was running out of the woods, arms flailing as he ran frantically away from someone. Squinting, Newt recognized Ben.
Something was not right. He dropped his shovel and grabbed the nearest solid object.
Joined by several others, he raced towards Ben and Thomas. Ben was straddling the boy, hands tightly around his neck. Swinging with all his might, Newt's pole connected with Ben's forehead. Blood immediately was visible as the boy fell off Thomas, landing on his back. Gally, Winston and Alby all had Ben pinned down as Thomas jumped to his feet and backed away quickly.

Alby stared at the panicked boy with cold eyes.
This behavior had only been seen under certain circumstances, "Lift his shirt."
Gally grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled up. The red hole on his stomach was evident;
the purple and black veins surrounding it confirmed the worst-case scenario.
"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?"
Gally's wide eyes studied the hole in the boy's flesh. Alby just stared sadly,
"Take him to the pit..."

Harper and Minho had arrived late, but they had seen enough. Chuck and Thomas stood next to Harper, eyes wide. "What's gonna happen to him?" Thomas looked to Chuck for answers. Chuck didn't answer; clearly scared.
Harper just shook her head when Thomas met her eyes; with tears in her eyes, she turned to follow Newt.


Around dusk, Minho was leading Ben toward the maze doors. Harper's eyes stayed on the ground; she didn't want to watch but it was better then sitting alone. The doors rattled.
"Poles!" Alby raised his, pointing towards Ben.
Banishments. There had only ever been three.
Harper didn't want there to be four. But once a glader was stung, it was better for everyone if they were just banished. At first they had waited, hoped the madness and symptoms would ease; instead they got worse. Complete insanity, violence and fits of rage followed.
This was the only way.

With one arm around Chuck, Harper closed her eyes. The sound of Ben's desperate pleads would already haunt her. The choking escaping his throat got more rapid as the boy went into further panic. The doors squealed, closing slowly. Minho threw a canteen of water between the doors; they at least gave them a chance. But there really was no chance, was there? With a final push, Ben was inside the maze. The doors sealed tightly behind him, handing the maddening boy over to the maze.
Harper turned away, tears falling down her cheeks. Alby had always said to just forget them- those who are banished- but Harper never could. She had a list in her mind- names- she would remember all of them.
She would remember them as they were before the madness took them over.


"Do you think he'll make it?"
Thomas sat up in his hammock, Chuck next to him, swaying slowly, "Ben? No..."
Harper tried to take her thoughts off Ben, tried to ignore their conversation; she couldn't.
She sighed, tossing and rolling over again.
Next to her, Minho lay in his hammock staring
up at the stars; his face emotionless.
He and Ben had been friends, but Minho was unfortunately numbed to most loss...

Harper rolled over again and was met with soft
brown eyes on her. Of course Newt wasn't asleep. He would be staying awake and making sure Harper was alright. Except Harper wasn't alright, and she knew that. She had seen more loss in the 17 years of her life, than most people would in their lifetime. Tired of feeling pain, tired of the ache of loss, she stood up. She wasn't alone, but once again she felt so alone.
With tears starting to fall again, she sat in Newt's hammock. He opened his arms, Harper accepting and nestling against him. Newt was quiet as she cried into his shoulder. He knew there were no words he could say to comfort her; they would all just be lies. He draped his arm over her, until finally, her crying stopped, her breathing slowed, and she was asleep.

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