30|| fixing the broken

29 1 0

// i feel for you, but
when did you believe
you were alone? \\

    Harper laid in her hammock; her right leg dangling off the end.  She sighed, tossing to her other side.  Taking a deep breath, she threw her blanket to the end of the bed and stood up.
She walked across the open glade, navigating the inky blackness easily.   She stopped at the edge of the glade, almost to the walls.  She stopped at the pit, bending low.
"Thomas..."  She sat on the grass, pulling her knees against her chest. 

    There was a quiet rustling and a low moan.
"Mmm?"  Harper's eyes had adjusted enough to see a face just in front of her, behind the sticks.  "Thomas..."  Her brother smiled, hearing her voice.  "Hey," he sat back, looking at her through obstructed vision, "What are you doing here?"  Harper shrugged, "I couldn't sleep..."  She tossed Thomas some bread, smirking, "Don't tell Fry..." 
Thomas smiled, "Thanks..."

Thomas dug in like he had never seen food before.  Harper stayed quiet, just waiting for Thomas to finish.  When he had had enough, he cleared his throat.  They were both quiet for a while, just enjoying each other's company.
Thomas was the one to eventually break the silence, "Do you remember anything about us?"  Harper shook her head, "I wish I did...
The memories I have aren't enough.
I want to know— to really know and remember..."  Her voice faded, "How could they..."

"How could who?  What?"
Harper's anger flared again, dangerously,
"The shuck creators!  They take kids from their families, separate siblings and then take all memory away...they can't even keep their names."  Thomas sighed, not knowing what to say.  Harper threw a stick, satisfied as it bounced harshly across the ground.
"If I would have known...  I wouldn't have left you.  I promised I would take care of you and three years- three years later...  I'm not even supposed to know who you are.  My own little brother!" She looked down, spinning the ring on her finger, cursing herself for feeling tears threatening to spill. 

Thomas looked at the girl, his eyes now filled with tears, "You can't blame yourself for leaving.  You had no choice."  Harper shook her head, not convinced, "I should have taken you.  I should have just grabbed you and run."
Thomas reached his wrist through the spacing between the sticks, rubbing his thumb across her tear stained cheek, "Stop.  Stop it...
There was nothing you could have done.
And it's over now.  It doesn't matter."
He paused, his hand falling,
"We're together now...
I'm not going anywhere.
Together we're going to make it...
I'm not leaving you again."

    Harper nodded, her heart swelling.
Love like she had never experienced coursed through her entire being.  She loved Thomas.
She would die protecting her brother. 

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