32|| what almost was

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// i'll stay awake;
the dark's not taking
prisoners tonight \\

The dreams came in a flood; disturbing her silent sleep. Harper shifted in her hammock, the whole thing starting to rock; her head twitched, rolling over in her sleep.

Minho grabbed Harper, pushing her away from the oncoming griever. She tripped; Minho threw himself in front of her.
The griever's slimy jaws opened wide, his tail jabbing into Minho. The boy didn't have a chance; he was pulled apart before Harper could act. She screamed; her throat threatening to rip apart. Tears fogged her vision- she couldn't turn and run, she was planted, screaming and crying.

Thomas grabbed the girl around her stomach, pulling her backwards, forcing her to run. All the girl could do was scream. She screamed his name as Thomas forced her away from the scene. She didn't want to be without him- she screamed, and screamed- she fought- trying to break free from Thomas's hold.

"Harper! HARPER!"
The girl's eyes opened with a jolt, her heart racing faster than it did in the maze. She was shaking, her breathing rapid; her throat felt like it had been ripped apart. Newt was standing over her, his eyes wide with worry.
"Harper..." Minho had been shaking her,
face etched with concern. Thomas jumped up as soon as he heard his sister's screams. He was one of the first to reach her, squeezing her hand tightly.

Harper looked around, her mind racing, filled with confusion. She had been dreaming.
She had a nightmare... Her throat told her that she had been screaming; and she woke everyone up. Winston and Frypan joined the huddle of concerned boys around her hammock. Gally was there, in the back, but clearly worried. Chuck had pushed to the front, standing next to Newt and Minho,
"You were screaming..." his voice was small.
"We thought someone was attacking you..."
Gally studied the girl, confirming she was really okay. Teresa was there too, face knit with concern, in the back beside Gally.
"You were yelling for Minho..."  Newt looked unsure, his hand gently touching hers.

Minho cautiously sat by her feet,
"Are you okay?" Harper sighed, she realized in embarrassment that she had been crying. She wiped her eyes, shaking her head, "I'm fine...
You d— It was just another dream..." She looked at Minho, her face falling.

Relief and peace passed over the boys' faces.
Most of them headed back to sleep, leaving Harper, content that she was okay.
Teresa, Minho, Newt and Thomas stayed.
Harper was grateful; truthfully she didn't want to be alone. They just sat around her, Minho and Newt on her bunk, Thomas and Winston on the ground. When Harper seemed to be calm again, Teresa and Winston left her side; one hugging her, the other squeezing her hand.
"Thank you..." she mumbled out, half heartedly, her mind elsewhere.

Minho sighed, "What happened..."
Harper shook her head, "It doesn't matter.
It was just a bad dream. I'm okay..."
Newt lifted Harper's chin, her eyes meeting him, "Hey... You were hysterically crying and screaming. Whatever that was, I can see that you are not okay..." Harper shifted her gaze,
"Minho died... He sacrificed himself for me...
There- there was a griever..." She shook her head, her breathing quickening, her emotions threatening to take over.

Minho grabbed her arm, "Hey. Hey.
Look at me. I'm right here."
Harper's eyes spilled out tears as she nodded,
"I know... I know. It was too real."
Minho squeezed her arm, "It's not real.
I'm okay..."

Thomas stared at his sister, his first instinct to grab her and hug her tightly, promise her that would never happen; assure her everything would be okay. But he could only do one of those things; but Minho beat him to it. Harper hugged Minho, her emotions brought to bay. Minho squeezed her, his forehead on her shoulder. Newt rubbed Harper's back, trying to keep her calm.
Her shoulder shook with sobs. The three boys just sat in silence, hugging, holding, and comforting Harper. They were just there- and that was enough.

Finally, after hours, she had fallen asleep. Minho's arm had become the object of Harper's hug; it bent in a backwards way. Newt's hand was being held by Harper's fingers, a smile on his face.  When the boys were sure she was asleep, Newt and Minho snuck away, both returning to their sleep. Thomas stayed put, watching over his sister; as if he could chase all the bad dreams away. Harper had found his hand in her sleep, her fingers loosely holding Thomas'. Slowly, Thomas' eyes drifted closed; his head lowering, back slouching against the tree.

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