60|| losing eyes

14 2 0

// and if you say
goodbye today,
i'd ask you
to be true \\

    Harper sat up in the middle of the night.  She hummed quietly to herself, looking up at the stars.  The boy asleep next to her had woken up.  Minho looked up at her, "Harper?"  Harper looked at him sadly.  "Are you okay?  You're humming..."  The boy seemed worried.  Harper smiled at him, nodding, "I'm not crazy yet."  But she would inevitably be.  He sat up, "You should sleep..."  Harper just shook her head, "Can't," she took a drink of her water again.  Minho scooted closer to her, his knee coming to rest against hers. They sat there quietly until the sun rose, neither of them spoke.  Harper's head had fallen on Minho's shoulder, her hands both folded into each other on her lap. 

   Harper lifted her head slowly from Minho's shoulder; she had fallen asleep after all.  She squinted at the bright surroundings. Taking a deep breath, she stared into the distance.
"What if I never see him again?"
Minho woke up at her voice, all dazed and confused, but still he looked at her.  Harper's eyes had turned sad, and just there- were tears ready to fall.  "Hey," Minho tilted her chin, "We will find them."  Harper smiled sadly, "I know you will."  He returned the smile  "Then why are you so worried?  I told you I wasn't going to let anything happen to you."  But it did, didn't it?  She was infected because she had been attacked.  Twice now.  Minho had done all he could in both situations, of course, he still blamed himself.  Harper was just staring at him, the gears in her eyes were spinning dully.  She looked away, her foot digging in the sand, "I don't think I'm going to make it."  Minho's full attention was on her now, his heart being stung at those words, "What?  No.  No, you're going to be okay.  I'm going to-"  Harper jumped to her feet, a sudden wave of anger coursing through her, "Minho, look at me!"   The boy jumped at her change of tone,
"Look at me."  She took a deep, shivering breath, "You're smarter than that.  There's nothing that cures this.  Nothing can stop it." 
Minho sat back, as the truth of her words hit him.  He put his head in his hands, just thinking.  He could not lose her too.  Not her.  He beat back the emotions that overtook him, biting down on his tongue, he closed his eyes.  Harper had moved next to him again, she wrapped both arms around him, hugging him from behind.  There were no words she could say, because if they brought comfort they would be a lie.  She thought of Winston- he didn't want to end up like the cranks; and already he showed signs of rapid spread. 

   "I'm scared..." 
She burrowed her head in his shoulder and neck and she let the tears fall.  "I don't want to end up like them...  I want to see my brother again.  And Newt."  And Frypan.  She closed her eyes tightly, begging the tears to stop.  Technically speaking, she should be too dehydrated to be crying, but that didn't stop the tears.  Minho had stood to his feet, pulling her into a tight hug.  He was silent, but his silence was still comforting.  Harper just dwelled on his arms being around her.  If she was alone here, she would have already ended it.  Minho squeezed his muscular arms tighter, trying to calm himself down as well.  "Listen to me."  His voice failed him, "You'll see them again.  I'm going to get you there.  You're going to see them again."  Harper inhaled, nodding, though her tears still fell.  Minho put his hand on her cheek, meeting her eyes. 

    The veins had began turning, up her neck, her eyes had darkened slightly, but she was still his best friend.  His beautiful Harper, still there, still herself.  He was going to lose her.  Eventually and inevitably.  She couldn't last long.  Already, she had dramatically digressed just in the few days.  He had promised to get her back to Newt and Thomas, but what if he couldn't?  The girl he cared most about was dying and he might not even keep the one promise he made her.

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