78|| a very rough plan

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// when everyone you
thought you knew
deserts your fight
i'll go with you \\


Brenda rested her head on the table, covering her ears as the boys all screamed at each other. Jorge was raising his voice louder than Thomas, who was failing to yell louder than Newt. Frypan was standing in the corner with his arms crossed, shifting his gaze between them, extremely unamused. "Guys- Hey—" His voice was immediately drown out by Newt, who was now screaming at Thomas. YOU DON'T THINK I WANT TO GET THEM BACK TOO?!" Thomas was trying his hardest to stay calm, but his voice failed him. Newt didn't back down, a rage foreign to him had completely taken over. "WE HAVEN'T DONE A THING! NOT A SHUCKING THING! WE'VE MADE NO PLANS! NO PROGRESS! WE'VE LEFT THEM FOR ALL THEY KNOW- IT'S BEEN MONTHS SINCE OUR LAST LEAD!  AND THAT WAS A DEAD END-" He stepped closer to Thomas with every word. "Newt-" Frypan looked to his friend anxiously, but he was completely unreachable. Thomas shoved Newt backwards, feeling himself start to get even angrier, "WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST WE DO THEN!? YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST HELD ONTO HER INSTEAD OF LET HER GO AFTER HIM—" That was the final straw. Newt tackled Thomas with a yell of rage, starting to blindly punch him. Brenda screamed, as Jorge and Frypan jumped towards the two boys to split them up. Thomas had the advantage for muscle, but Newt was being fueled by something totally from the outside- it was as if the boy had lost his mind and something snapped. Thomas rolled, pinning Newt underneath him, but it didn't last long. There was blood on the floor from someone's nose, but in the fight it was hard to tell who. Thomas tried grabbing Newt's wrists to stop him, but Newt just kept swinging.

Tired of the pointless screams for them to stop, Brenda fired a gun three times in the air, making the boys hesitate. Vince grabbed Newt by the collar, while Frypan pulled Thomas up. "THAT'S ENOUGH-" Vince shoved Newt away, looking at him with a worried expression. Newt was heaving in breaths, staring at the floor. He caught his breath just enough to storm outside. Frypan moved to follow him, but Jorge grabbed his shirt, "Let him go... He isn't himself." Brenda rushed over with a slightly dirty cloth, holding it up to Thomas' gushing nose. She sighed, "Why did you say that..." Thomas was silent, taking the cloth from her and turning to face the window.


Jorge sat quietly during dinner, watching Brenda as she half heartedly flipped through a book. "What?"  She finally looked up, raising her eyebrows to Jorge.  "You know he'll go after her..."  Brenda laughed slightly, shaking her head, "Yeah.  That's why I haven't unpacked."  Jorge sighed, "At this point... Do we even want to go after them?"  Brenda closed her book and sat up, "Thomas saved our life.  We owe it to him to at least try..."  Jorge shifted uncomfortably, lowering his voice, "Bren," he sighed, "We don't even know if they're still alive... W.I.C.K.E.D. could have killed them by now.. Experiments, testing... God knows what else..."  
"That's why we're leaving tonight."  Thomas dropped  a backpack on the table.  "Newt is gone."  Frypan shouldered his backpack, shifting it on comfortably, "He left this."  Thomas dropped a note on the table, "He won't make it alone."  

   Brenda picked up the note, "Shit." 
Give this to her if I can't tell her myself. 
Jorge shook his head, "Let me go get my stuff..."
"No,"  Thomas stopped them, "This isnt about you.. I can't ask you to risk your life anymore for us."  Brenda snorted, "For you?  You think we wanted out of the Scorch for you?!"  Now Jorge was laughing, "You sure are full of yourself Hermano.  Like we like you well enough to die for you!"  Thomas smirked slightly, "But your friend- your sister...  We know they aren't worth dying there.  So yes, we're going with you— Now," Jorge stuffed his gun back in it's holster, looking around cautiously, "What's the plan?"

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