56|| without a trace

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// even when i doubt you,
i'm no good without you \\

    Newt scrambled to his feet almost as soon as he had stumbled.  He stood, pulling himself together.  His ears rang; the explosion having shook everyone, the force sending boys knocking into each other.  Someone had screamed- maybe it was him.  "HARPER?"
The first words out of his mouth before another explosion.  Frypan fell into him, pinning him to the ground.  Gun shots rang through their already ringing ears, bullets ricocheted off the walls.  Jorge tackled Aris, the boy scarcely missing the bullet.  One of Jorge's men fell- blood spraying the walls.  "Harper!?"
Newt stumbled, crawling away from the open wall quickly.  "Harper!?"  Jorge pulled Newt to his feet, pushing him against the wall.
The bullets flew again; the gladers running further into the falling building.
Once the boys were all in the clear, covered from the bullets, Newt stopped short.

    "Where is she?"
He turned, making a circle around the room,
"Tommy?  Minho?"  Panic rushed through him,
his heart pounding.  They weren't here.
They didn't make it out.  Newt stared coolly at the rubble and burning building.  "Newt..."
Aris looked at him, frowning, "I'm sorry..."
"She was right behind me!"
"Hermano...  Listen to me."
Jorge put a firm hand on his shoulders,
"If she went after Thomas, that boy went after her...  She's with Brenda.  They'll be alright."
Newt shoved his hand off angrily, not listening not convinced.  "I have to find her."
Before he forced his way back toward the rubble, Frypan grabbed him, "Hey," his eyes met his friends, "We have to stay together..."
Newt pushed past even him, marching towards the opening. 

    Jorge spread his arm out, blocking Newt's clearing.  "Newt."  The name felt weird in his mouth, unnatural,  "They know where we're going.  They're smart enough to go there.. We'll rendezvous.  It's all going to be fin-"
Rage filled Newt like he had never felt, unexpected, "How do you know."
His nostrils flared, eyes darting around the room wildly.  He ran a hand through his hair,
head lowering, "I need to know."
Jorge just looked at him sadly,
"Tomorrow...  We can head for the city.
If they made it, they'll be underground."
Newt didn't look convinced, and he wasn't reassured in the slightest.  But with the smallest hope of seeing Harper again, he walked on. 


    Newt tossed and turned all night; sleep not once settling on him.  Snores and the ruffling of clothes on sand filled their small shelter.  Sweat stung his nose along with the overwhelming stench of body odor.  Newt wrapped his arms tightly around himself; so used to holding Harper.  He closed his eyes tightly, just as the sun was rising.

    Jorge was the first awake, his eyes squinting open, shielding himself from the sun with his arm.  "Guys..."  He coughed, throat raw from the heat, starting to burn. 
Frypan groaned, rolling over.  He reached beneath him, pulling a rock from under him,
"Ouch...  Shucking..."  He sat up, rubbing his back.  Jorge cracked his neck, then cracked his back, "Rise and shine, los ninõs."
He reached into his bag, pulling out two cans of soup, "Split these amongst yourselves."
He uncapped his own water, tilting it to the sky, swallowing, already just looking better.

    Newt handed his can to Frypan, refusing any for himself.  Frypan urged Newt to eat, tilting the can toward him.  Newt glared, crossing his arms, standing to his feet.  He walked gingerly away from the group, out in the open.  Pulling the scarf over his face, the wind beat at his clothes, sending grains of sand against his coat.  "Hey,"  Newt turned.
Jorge grabbed Newt's wrist, pressing the can into his palm.  "Don't think you're the only one worried."  Newt lowered his gaze,
"I'm not hungry."
Jorge breathed, "Yeah.  Neither am I."
Annoyance crept up on him, "Hermano,
Brenda is just about the only family I'll ever have.  And she's missing.  So don't think you're alone sulking and feeling worried."
Newt looked up at him, reading his expression.
"You need to eat.  You need your strength."
Newt sighed, pressing his lips together tightly,
he fingered at the can, finally tipping it up to his mouth.

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