77|| mere minutes

7 1 0

// can we go back and do it over;
can we go back to the start— \\

Harper woke up in slightly more uncomfortable bed than usual. She felt the bright white light of a hospital behind her eyelids before she even opened her eyes.  There was yet again, an i.v. in her arm, thick blue fluid dripping into her arm. She sighed sadly, shifting slightly in her bed. Across the room, doctors were talking over a computer screen. Harper stayed still, not wanting to alert them she was conscious. A tall man with a mask over his face was scribbling on his notepad, adjusting the machines attached to Harper.  "I see you're awake."  Harper ignored him, "It's rude to ignore your elders.  I can tell by the heart monitor you are awake."  Harper opened her eyes, turning to glare at him, "Congratulations.  You are a five star doctor."  The man scoffed, "You have spirit.  I like that.  You'll need it...  For what we have planned for you, you'll need a strong spirit."  Harper inhaled, "Oh I'm just so excited."  On the other side of the room, a curtain was pulled, the silhouette of a girl was behind it.  She was sitting, her silhouette jerking around.  The doctor swore under his breath, rushing to the other side of the room.  The girl behind the curtain started screaming, the metal legs of the chair hit the floor as she fought against her own body.  Harper closed her eyes tightly, trying to drown it out, trying not to think about the fact that that would soon be her end. 

    The girl fell silent, the doctor returned, frowning, "Sorry about that..."  Harper met his eyes, expressionless, "A girl just died from your experiments and you're apologizing to me?" 
The doctor fumbled on his words, apparently having never been told off by a seventeen year old.  Harper smirked, satisfied.  She leaned back, silently cursing herself for being so desensitized to the situation.  The doctor flicked a vial of dark red liquid, "You're very important to us."  Harper turned to look at him, making sure she heard him correctly, or that he was speaking to her, "Excuse me?"  Doctor Reed smiled, "You are so far the most promising test subject...  You haven't reacted badly to any of our experimental cures."  Harper laughed, leaning back, "Where's Minho?"  Doctor Reed continued on like he hadn't heard her, "You could save all of us.  You and your brilliant boyfr—"  "He isn't my boyfriend."  Harper raised her eyebrows, "Where is Minho."  Reed sighed, "My hope is you will be the one who approves our cure!  The one who saves all of us!"  Harper scoffed, "You still think there will be a cure?  You still think anything in this world can be saved?  That's more delusional than my thinking we were safe when we left the Maze.  There isn't anything left to save!  I wouldn't want to save a shucking person in this shucking building.  There isn't anyone left saving!  The good people are dead!  My friends that are alive are immune, I'm not doing anything for a single shuck person."  The doctor sighed, "I was hoping you wouldn't say that.  Unfortunately, we don't need you cooperate.  We can forcibly take blood from you.  We can find other ways of making you cooperate."  Harper shifted,  "I swear to you, if we make it out of here, we will burn this place to the ground.  We will kill every single one of you." 
Doctor Reed smiled, nodding, "I'm counting on it."

      Teresa walked Harper back to her room, still holding her better-than-everyone posture, put together, gripping that shucking clipboard.  "When can I see him."  Harper walked along beside her, "When can I see him."  Teresa didn't say anything, eyes ahead, "We're almost to your room."  Harper grabbed Teresa's clipboard and threw it against the wall.  The precious clip board shattered, her papers spreading out across the hallway, "WHERE IS MINHO."  Teresa jumped, taking a step back, "Harper—"  Harper's eyes burned, her nostrils flared, backing Teresa into a wall.  Teresa was panicking, trying to push Harper away, "Get off me—" She reached to her pocket, frantically pushing on her pager.  Harper grabbed for Teresa's throat, pinning her arms against her side, "I'm not dying here—" Harper screamed, slamming Teresa against the wall. Guards rushed in, grabbing Harper and pulling her to the ground. The guards shoved her to the ground, pinning her down with their knees, holding her arms. "Don't hurt her—" Teresa gasped, holding her throat. Harper continued to scream, squirming and fighting against the guards.

The guard injected a sedative into Harper's neck. Teresa exhaled shakily as Harper slumped to the floor. The guards dragged her down the hallway, heading towards a quarantine room. She was getting dangerous... Her mind was slipping more and more. Teresa sighed, straightened her shoulders and pulled herself together again. She changed her position, heading toward a different subject's room. She gathered her papers up, stuffing them in her lab coat pocket and headed to 321. Minho was laying on his bed, arms crossed under his head. He sighed, "What do you want, shuckface?" He sat up, kicking his feet off the bed. Teresa took a deep breath, "Harper is going downhill quickly." Minho jumped to his feet, "What did you do." Teresa took a step back, "She attacked me in the hallway, she's fighting guards—" Minho shook his head, "Good. Good for her, she's fine." Teresa tried pleading, "No... Minho... She's losing her mind—" Minho kicked the bed, "No. No— How did she go downhill so fast? How–" Teresa sighed, "It effects everyone differently... Stress levels, strength of mind..." Minho frowned, "I want to see her—" Teresa shook her head, "I'm sorry. I can't let you do that... But," Minho scoffed, "Get out of here. Get out—" Minho pointed to the door, "Minho, listen–" Teresa met his eyes, "We can help her. She's the only person that hasn't had a reaction to the trial cures," Minho didn't speak, he just turned to face the door.
"Get out,"

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