89|| together

10 1 0

// isn't it lovely, all alone?
heart made of glass,
my mind of stone \\

         Harper stood on the shoreline. watching the survivors unload supplies.  Tents were being set up as the arrivals took in their new world.  Harper held Minho's hand, squeezing it, more for herself than anything.  She took a deep breath, and together they made their way towards the treeline.  Harper grabbed a tent, dragging it towards the other campsites. 

     Newt hummed, shifting in his bed.  Harper was not next to him and his hand was empty. Newt winced as he sat up, taking in his surroundings. He looked down at his bare side- a white bandage was wrapped all the way around him. It was clean; no blood on it this time. He shivered slightly, looking around for his shirt.  He soon gave up, walking slowly, painfully out the front of his tent. Minho and Harper were sitting on the shoreline, talking, just the two of them. He sighed, his heart swelling. They made it. Newt just watched her with a smile; he loved her so much. 

    Harper caught his eye, causing Newt to blush.  Shuck it, she caught him.  Her smile grew even more, scrunching her nose up.  Newt returned the smile, soon joining the pair. Harper was on her feet, "That's a good look on you."  She nudged him, giving him a playful smirk. Minho scoffed, "I took my shirt off, and that's not a good look too?"  His voice was full of sarcasm, a cocky smirk on his lips.  Harper snorted, "Ohh yeah," she exaggerated her words, "No, I have to stand over here because you're so hot I fear I may faint."  Newt snorted with a roll of his eyes, "Oh I see.  Makes perfect sense."  Harper grinned, "Yes, I just can't look at him too long, I'll turn crazy."  "You know you're already crazy for me."  Minho winked, finally sending Harper into a fit of laughter.  


     The fire snapped and crackled as the group
shared stories, planned out buildings for the new land and laughed over crazy antics or stupid jokes.  Harper was huddled under a blanket, talking quietly with Thomas.  Her brother hadn't spoken much since he woke up.  The horrors, the death, the loss...  Too fresh in his memory to even fake being excited.  Harper sighed, "I'm sorry..."  Thomas shook his head, "Don't..  She knew what she was doing.  She made her decision long before Jansen showed up."  Harper nodded,"She did.  Teresa knew you were worth dying for..."  Thomas closed his eyes, "Stop—" Harper squeezed his arm, "Thomas, she saved me too.  And Minho... Part of her knew we wouldn't all make it out. She sacrificed herself for you.  For all of us..."  "After she got us into the situation!"  Harper sat up, "Thomas-"  "I know she made up for it.  She.. She saved us instead of herself to try to..."  His voice shook, "I hated her after what she did."  Harper sighed, "Yeah. So did everyone."  "I didn't think I'd ever see her again-  I didn't want to...  But then,  I saw her, saved you."  Harper stayed silent, knowing from experience he couldn't keep this in, "I don't think I can forgive her.  For calling WICKED, for torturing Minho, for experimenting on you..."

   Harper sighed, "She did what she thought was right...  She had humanity in mind.  And it would have been great if she was right, but..  She realized that.  She got Minho and I both out of there."  Harper squeezed Thomas' hand, "And I'm sorry I wasn't paying closer attention.  I saw Newt and..."  Her voice trailed off, but Thomas understood, "I don't blame you...  Newt is..  Well, everyone sees it."  Harper hummed, shrugging, "Yes, well...."  She let her voice fail her this time.  "Teresa loved you."  Harper cleared her throat, "She regrets what she did, but she wouldn't regret what she did for you... And for me.  And Minho..."  Harper squeezed Thomas' hand again before moving over to Gally and Frypan, grinning.

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