84|| new allies and old friends

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// surveillance is outside;
we see when you arrive \\

Newt pushed through the thick crowd, weaving through screaming and hysterical people. He already had a very bad feeling when he saw the walls, but now he was convinced he was being followed. He glanced over his shoulder and his heart dropped- his fear was confirmed. There were five people slowly surrounding the group, flowing with the crowd. They all had their faces covered, all dressed similarly. "Bloody h—" Newt began pushing past people faster, trying to catch up with Thomas, "Hey- Hey—" Thomas kept moving, but Jorge caught up with him, "Thomas, this really doesn't feel right." The crowd got more rowdy, shoving to the front, yelling for them to open the gates and let them in. Metal grinding against metal silenced the crowd; Newt was unmistakably reminded of the Maze doors... "Thomas," his voice was more demanding now, but before he could finish, the guns at the top of the wall came to life. Panic broke out. The crowd towards the front didn't move, waiting to see what would happen, but Newt wasn't going to wait to find out. Brenda and Jorge were already running- Newt grabbed Thomas and Frypan, pulling them away at a sprint. They didn't stop or turn around when the guns fired and the screaming started.

In the chaos happening, Newt didn't even notice Brenda and Jorge vanish. He turned a corner, just as someone put a blindfold over his head. Newt could hear Jorge yelling threats and Brenda screaming, but was too discombobulated to react. His heart was pounding in his ears, his adrenaline screaming at him to fight back. He heard a car door slam, just as he was lifted into the back of a van, causing him to give into the panic.

After a few miles, the van shuddered to a stop and the engine was turned off. Newt braced himself to fight. He could hear two others in the van beside him, he knew Thomas was one of them. The door opened and they were dragged out of the van. The blindfolds came off, and Thomas tackled the nearest person. Newt was about to move before someone spoke, "Easy! Easy! We're on the same side!" Newt stopped, "Which side is that?" He grabbed Thomas by the back of the shirt and pulled him back, "Who are you." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. The nearest soldier took his mask off. Newt's heart dropped, once again.
"Gally?" Thomas froze, taking the boy in. Something in his expression changed. The curiosity and caution gone. Newt knew what was going to happen next, but before he could push himself to react, Thomas had punched Gally so hard he fell backwards. Gally threw his hand up, before the others raised their guns, "I deserved that.
I deserved that..." Jorge and Brenda had been patient enough, "You know him?"
"What is going on?"

"Not here," Gally stood to his feet, leading the group through a doorway. "What, we're just going to trust him?" Newt shushed him, also wanting to know the answer to that question.  Gally lead them into what looked like a garage, turned into some kind of headquarters.  "What is this?  Who do you work for?"   Gally took a deep breath, "This is the Right Arm...  We have the same goal."  Newt perked up, "You can get us into WICKED?"  Gally paused, "Get you into?  We're going to take them down..." 
"No... No, wait.  We have people there.  We have to get them out."  Gally looked over the group, sighing, "I'm sorry... But they're probably already dead."  Thomas grabbed Newt before he could react, "They're alive."  Gally shook his head, "The kids that WICKED take don't end up coming back."  Newt pushed out of Thomas' grip, "They're alive."  Gally frowned, silently noting how little of his friends made it, "Who... Who are you trying to rescue?"  Thomas looked down, "Minho..  Harper..."  Gally nodded, "Okay.  I can get you in.  Come with me..."

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