49|| heavy hearts

23 2 0

// but nothing is
better sometimes
once we've both
said our goodbyes \\

    Harper curled into a ball, shaking heavily with sobs.  Newt and Minho stood outside, away from the others, just talking.
"They look like they're getting further away..."
Newt sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Minho nodded, taking a sip from his canteen.
Even in the dark, they saw outlines of the distant mountains.  Newt sat down, pulling his knees under him.  Minho sat next to him, tapping his knee with his.  He held out his water.  Newt took it, taking a slow drink.
"Save some for me, shuck face..."
Minho smirked at him.

    As their voices rested; the only sounds were the wind and the crackling fire.  Harper's cries
drown them out- no noise to hide them.
Minho rested his head on his knees; he couldn't stand hearing her cry.  Newt shook his head, clearly feeling the same.  He pushed his hand through his hair again, sighing.
"Isn't there something we can do for her?"
Aris had joined them- much to Minho's disgust.  Newt just stood up, walking back by their rock shelter.  Minho kicked some sand,
"Not unless we can reverse shuck time."
Aris frowned, "Well wouldn't you help?
I mean being there with her..."
"I can't listen to her in pain..."
Aris stopped, "But aren't you her boyfriend or whatev-"  Minho jumped to his feet,
"She's no one's shuck gir-" He paused, sighing,  "That would be Newt..."
He turned, nodding towards Newt who had Harper wrapped in his arms, talking to her softly. 

    "I never thought I'd say this, but..."
Frypan had a few tears streaking his cheeks,
"I miss the glade."  Newt just nodded, eyes focused on Harper, mind wandering. 
"She asleep?"  Minho sat next to Newt.
Harper was laying next to Thomas, her knees bent, good arm under her head on Thomas's lap.  "Yeah..." Thomas rested his hand on her shoulder, awkwardly rubbing it.  He finally had his sister back- the sister he forgot he had- but in these circumstances...  Losing everyone- in danger of losing each other again. 
Was it really worth it?
Thomas watched her sleep, a stone expression on his face.  He would protect her- from here on out, nothing would separate them and nothing would hurt her. 


    Thomas woke first; the hot sun once again burning his skin.  The eerie feeling he was being watched fell on him.  He stood to his feet slowly, forgetting Harper was using his leg as a pillow.  She slid down, moaning slightly as her head hit the ground, but she stayed asleep. 
Thomas squinted; his eyes stinging. 
There.  Just below the hills, stood a figure outside a shack.  His heart beat stopped, just looking at the outline.  Because there she was.

    Thomas was running before he had realized it.  Shouts from behind him were telling him to stop.  "Thomas!"  Harper was the first to her feet, chasing after him.  Minho was behind her.
"THOMAS!"  Minho skidded to a stop, grabbing Harper's arm; stopping her.
The figure now had a face.  And a knife.
Teresa was pointing a knife at Thomas.
Minho pulled Harper back; ready to help Thomas if needed, but not willing to risk Harper. 
What did they erase from her head now?

    Thomas stumbled backwards as Teresa aimed the knife, her eyes burning dangerously.
"Teresa..."  Teresa lunged towards him with the knife, "Why are you following me!?  You need to stay away from me.  If I see you again I will kill you."  Thomas stepped towards her, his head spinning, heart falling.  "Teresa..."
But she was gone.  As quickly as she appeared, she was gone again.  He sucked in a toxic breath, slumping against the wall of the run down shed.  He kicked at it angrily; his foot went all the way through, tin cutting into his ankle.  "AH-" Thomas gasped, falling backwards, his foot stuck in the tin wall.  Harper was by his side instantly.  Her eyes went wide as she saw his situation.  "You dumb shuck, what did you do!?"  Minho came next, shaking his head, "When did everything become so shucked..."  Thomas looked up at him; his mouth open, eyes sad, "It was her..."
Minho just nodded.  Harper held Thomas's leg while Minho pushed a bigger hole so Thomas's foot could be freed. 

    Harper soon learned the cut wasn't deep, but the tin was filthy- she was thankful they got tetanus shots beforehand.  Thomas was soon standing again; he had a small gimp, but it would heal quickly.  Harper ripped the bottom of her shirt, using it as a wrap for her brother's ankle.  Soon they were walking again; the mountains still seeming farther away.  The wind picked up, sending sand flying into their faces; the tiny grains scratching their skin, leaving hot stings, burning even more from the sweat.  They pulled their head coverings tighter against their skin; keeping out the sand, shielding them from seeing behind them, moving on from the losses.
They had no choice but forward.

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