93|| safe haven

52 1 0

// she'd say oh, i know
the sun must set to rise;
this could be
p a r a d i s e \\


Vince stood in front of the fire. The Gladers, Immunes and The Right Arm sat around the fire, spread out, but all close enough to hear. Vince rubbed his face, clearing his throat, "We've all had our losses." The chattering died down, all eyes now on him. "Things haven't been easy. Not for a long time. We've fought. We've killed. We've made sacrifices and given our lives. All for freedom. All for survival, to make it to the next day." Gally finished passing out his glass jars of homemade poison and took a seat beside Minho. "We have all lost someone. Friends, siblings, parents, partners... Whatever. Whoever." Thomas wiped his eyes quickly, trying to let Vince finish before he was drown out by more crying. "But they're still here." Harper smiled, "They're still here! Inside us. We will carry their memories with us wherever we go. And that won't change." He sighed, "And it hurts. It really hurts. But this... This is for them." Vince picked up a knife, lifting it above it head, along with raising his glass, "Here's to the ones who couldn't be here. Here's to the friends that we lost." Harper was shaking, lifting her glass as everyone screamed and yelled their agreements. "In your own time..." He stabbed the knife into a tree trunk, "Remember them." He nodded to a rock that stuck up from the sand. It was perfectly placed.
An absolutely perfect memorial.
"Immunes, friends, Gladers." Vince smiled, "I want to be the first one," he paused, stretching out his arms, "to welcome you to the Safe Haven."

Harper stood, both her hands closed around Newt and Minho's. Tears stung her eyes as she looked over the wall. Her friends. Remembered by her friend's handwriting. Hand carved... Just like the Glade. Harper bit her lip, gently placing her hand on Winston's name. Minho smiled sadly, watching Gally finish carving Chuck's name. Thomas stared at Teresa's name with tears in his eyes. Minho nudged him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The Gladers broke away, all looking to each other. They smiled as they spread back out. Their new lives had started, so they may as well make friends. Frypan and Gally had squeezed themselves between some girls from Group B. Thomas was hunched down by Brenda, Jorge and Brenda's brother, George. Minho and Newt exchanged a quick glance before Minho too, broke away to join Thomas.

     Newt was smiling to himself as he pulled Harper against his chest. "What?" Harper looked at him in amusement, knowing that mischievous look. Newt shook his head, "Ah, nothing, love," Newt smirked, still looking like he knew something she didn't.  Harper huffed in exasperation, "Newt! What?"  Newt just licked his lips, shaking his head, his expression not changing, "Let's go for a walk,"  Newt spun, taking Harper's arm and pulling her along.  She gave up on getting an answer, so she followed along behind him, smiling to herself.  She could spend her time at the Safe Haven with him. This was her reality she was still trying to convince herself of.  Newt stopped by the water once the voices of the others died down.  He hummed, taking in the sunset, "Beats the Glade,"  Harper nodded, though she knew part of her would always miss life in the Glade. 

     "Harper,"  Newt pulled her back, "I know there isn't much here,"  Harper smiled, "Not yet..."  Newt always admired her optimism to see what he couldn't yet, "I know there isn't much here yet,"  He grinned, "But... I know we'll build it.  Together, we'll make homes and a life here.  Safe. Happy...  Away from everything.  We can finally heal...  We can start something new."  Harper felt a new peace wash over her as Newt spoke.  Newt shifted so he stood in front of her, "I found this..."  He reached into his pocket, "I don't know if it's worth anything or.."  Newt trailed off, "I made a promise to myself that if we made it out I would give it to you.  It's been in my pocket...  I never thought I'd be able to give it to you-"  Harper gently held his face in her hands, bringing him back from his rambling, "Newt?"  The boy pulled a small silver ring out of his pocket and slid it on Harper's finger. 

     For the first time in her life, Harper was speechless.  There was no sarcastic comment, no cocky remark.  She just stared at Newt wide eyed.  Her eyes blurred with tears, biting her lip to keep a sob in.  Newt was smiling, holding both of her hands in his, "I'm going to need an answer, Harper..."  He was smirking. 

As Harper pulled him in for a kiss, all she could say was his name

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