58|| narrow escape

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// you will always be the one
i will run to out of the darkness \\


   Brenda had screamed before Thomas's brain had time to react; he beat blindly at the arm that held him tightly.  The crank screamed, jerking his arm away before rearing back for another attack.  Brenda had forced herself out of the crawl space, pulling out her gun.  She fired it without hesitation and the woman fell dead.  Thomas shifted his legs, starting to maneuver out of the tight space.  More screaming came from the hallway; the gun shot had woken more monsters.  Light flooded then room- the sudden brightness sent the crank stumbling backwards, arm shielding his eyes with a hiss.  "Thomas, let's go!"
Brenda pulled Thomas up by the backpack, not giving him time to catch his feet.  She pulled him along, tossing him the flashlight so she could free her hand for the gun. 

   They ran in silence, the crank pack screaming along behind them.  Thomas felt chills run up his back as the horrifying noises got closer.
"Hurry!"  Brenda urged him on.  His annoyance was rising as she hurried him along- as if he would just stop and want to get ripped apart.
Brenda disappeared into a room off the hallway; she turned so quickly, before Thomas could turn his body, he slid into the wall.
Brenda pulled him behind her once again, dragging him by the shirt.  Thomas shoved her hand off him as he gained his momentum again.  He passed her quickly, seeing the door her eyes were set on.  "Thomas!"
She called behind him, causing him to side to a stop.  The crank's screams had died down; for the moment, they had lost them.  It might be jammed!"  She pushed past him, forcing her body against it harshly.  The door gave instantly, swinging open rapidly, sending Brenda flying out it, landing face down on the ground.  Thomas let out a laugh; instantly covering his mouth again, puffing his cheeks out.  Brenda stood to her feet, shooting him a dirty look.  She brushed herself off, and there was just a hint of amusement on her face.
"Okay..."  She adjusted her backpack,
"This way,"  Thomas trailed behind her,
"How do you know?"  He looked up, not actually listening to her response.  They were inside a tunnel.  Old, broken down cars were spread out throughout.  It had been a road-
sometime in the far past.  He turned; they had come out a man door in the side of the tunnel, maybe it was once for construction or maintenance. 

   Brenda sat up, looking at Thomas.
He had his knees pulled up against his chest, leaning against the window, staring out it blankly.  Brenda kicked at the driver seat, making it recline further.  They had walked for hours, well past nightfall.  Coming across the run down cars, they agreed to stop for the night.  "Why are you so worried?"
Thomas looked at her accusingly, "What?"
Brenda rolled to her side, facing him.
"Your friends.  You shouldn't be worried about them."  Thomas turned away from her, not saying anything.  "Hey," her voice was stronger.  He turned his head slightly, probably looking as miserable and exhausted as he felt.
She smiled sadly at him, "Jorge will take care of them."  Thomas sighed, "Minho and Harper..."  He shook his head, "They aren't with the others.  They followed us," he looked away, embarrassed to feel tears in his eyes, "Who knows if they even made it out..."  Brenda put a nervous hand on his shoulder, "From what I've seen, that kid can take care of himself...  He's the only person I've ever seen brave enough to take on Jorge..."  Thomas smiled a little, "I don't know if he's brave or stupid..."
Brenda laughed, "Your sister,"  Thomas faced her, "Your sister too...  Those two together can make it out here.  I wouldn't worry..."
Thomas just nodded, pulling his knees into himself further.  He closed his eyes tightly,
hoping sleep would come quickly.

    With sleep, came the dreams.
Thomas was young, probably three...
A little girl was next to him, hugging a dog tightly.  "Honey, come on," his mother held a hand out to her.  Harper shook her head, holding the dog tightly.  A man sighed- he had Harper's hair and Thomas's eyes- his dad.
"Let it come...  It would be good for them..."
Thomas's mother smiled sadly, watching as Harper stood up, tying her jacket around the dog's neck, pulling him along.  Thomas giggled excitedly, grabbing the dog around it's stomach, helping him walk along.  Harper turned, smiling at him.  "What should we name him?" 
Thomas's mother turned, holding her purse up higher, "Emily, come along, we have to get home."  "Coming, Momma,"  Harper grabbed Thomas's hand, her other leading the dog.
His sister's name was Emily.

  Thomas woke with a start, as Brenda shook him awake, "Come on."  She frowned, "The sun is up, we need to get moving if theres any hope in catching up with your friends."  Thomas rubbed his eyes, sitting up, squinting.  The air was already unbreathable, the heat already soaking his clothes.  He climbed out the car window, sliding his backpack on.  He looked up to the mountains, but only one thing clouded his thoughts.  Harper.  No- Emily.
He smiled to himself; taking a deep breath, he headed towards the city.

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