35|| best kept secrets

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// i think about the end
     just way too much;
but it's fun to fantasize \\

    Minho stared at the map room, dropping to his knees.  Harper stood, unable to move, unable to breathe.  Her hands covered her mouth, trying to cover the sobs from coming out.  It was gone.  The maps were gone.
The weapons, all their supplies. 
Newt's hand was around Harper's waist, holding it tightly.  His other hand hovered over his mouth.  Minho screamed, his hands moving up to his hair, pulling at it.  His muscles bulged, anger burning in his eyes. 
Harper jumped back, startled but not surprised by her friends outburst.  Minho stayed on his knees, eyes staring at the engulfed map room.
His breathing was fast, his body shook with anger; a chemical buildup threatening to explode. 

"Minho..."  Harper knelt next to him, her hands on his neck and shoulder.  "We can get out...
We don't need the maps anymore."  She pressed the boy's forehead against hers, trying to calm him down.  "No.  No..." He shook his head, "You don't get it.  That was our only way out."  Harper pulled Minho to his feet,
"Min, no it wasn't...  The griever hole...
We can get out."  Minho pulled away from her,
face growing angry again, "WE LOST THE SHUCK CODES, HARPER!" 

Newt stepped back, as did Harper. 
"The what?"  Harper looked at him, anger bubbling inside her now, "What shucking codes, Minho!?"  Newt stepped forward this time, "You never told us about any codes, Minho!"  Harper yelled this time, "I was a runner!  Your best friend!  Why didn't I know about this!?"  Minho ran a hand through his hair, sighing, "Because they didn't mean anything...  They were just nonsense."
Harper groaned in frustration, doubling in half.  She stayed silent, just shaking her head.  Having nothing to say, she walked off, slamming the door to the homestead.  Thomas just stared at the fire; his shock and mixed emotions numbing his ability to react.
Newt took his eyes off Minho, shaking his head.  He followed Harper, thoughts swirling madly in his head.

Newt pushed past a group of panicked, arguing boys, pushing the homestead door open with his shoulder. Alby was standing in the middle of the room, face pale and skin sweaty. "Alby..." Newt looked at the boy, "What are you doing?"
Alby looked at Newt, his eyes filled with sorrow, his mouth curved in a frown.
"I did it." He began shaking his head, frantically looking around, "I did it."

Newt took a step back, noticing his friend's behavior off. "Alby, what—"
"I had to. I had to do it. We can't leave.
They won't let us. There's no way out."
Newt looked to the door subtly, wondering if he should call for someone or just stay with Alby himself. Newt lowered his voice, taking a new, cautious approach, "You had to do what?"
"I burned the maps."


The gladers sat in the homestead; most of them sitting. No one spoke as they all slouched throughout the room. Any hope or happiness stolen from their faces. Some of the boys were being patched up, injured trying to get the fire out, others curled up in a corner, crying. Harper sat next to Newt, arms wrapped around her knees, head against Newt's chest. Newt stared at the floor, a hand running slowly through his hair. Alby had done this.
How could he? Why?
He shook his head, swearing he couldn't tell anyone the truth. Minho would have him banished.


Teresa ran through the open glade, Chuck on her heels. The flames from the fire just bright enough to light their path. Chuck heaved and panted, trying to keep up with the taller and older girl. The two paused outside the homestead door, catching their breath.
Teresa pushed the door open, not caring if she was interrupting something. "Hey."
Thomas stood upon her arrival, "Teresa?"
"Your maps aren't gone..."
Minho stood up, eyes narrow with confusion, "What are you talking about, shank?"
Chuck came tiptoeing in behind her, looking nervous to now be center of attention.
"You told me and Chuck to work on the codes, remember? We did... But we took the trunks out of the map room." Chuck hid behind Teresa, seeing Minho's reaction to this.
"You took— Codes?" He shook his head, whipping around, "Thomas, you have two seconds to explain what the shuck she's talking about." Thomas was overjoyed to be the center of negative attention again.

He took a deep breath, "I saw a letter within our map... I asked them to help me look further..." Minho's muscles relaxed, his body easing. "You have the trunks?"
Teresa nodded, "Every last one..."
Harper shifted, stretching her legs out in front of her, "Why do we need the codes if we already know how to get out?  Minho, you said they were nonsense." 
Teresa shook her head, "They're words.
They're very clear words...  I just don't know what they mean."  Minho nodded, "They mean something... Why else would they be there?"
Harper huffed, her frustration growing,
"How did we find a way out if we needed them?"  Minho crossed his arms, his own frustration growing again, "Harper, you don't know you found a way out.  Okay?  You found a hole.  A shuck hole.  Where the grievers come from.  Sounds like a pointless suicide mission."
Harper just bit her tongue, jaw clenched,
saying nothing.  Thankfully, Newt spoke,
"I want to see these buggin' codes.  These letters- words- whatever they bloody are."
Minho just nodded before disappearing up the stairs.

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