"Of course Wendy." Micheal said engulfing me back into a tight embrace which I awkwardly returned.

"Can Felix come with us to our new house?" I asked not really taking no for an answer.

"I guess." John said grimly while Micheal nodded.

"Micheal and I will go look for houses while You and Felix go to Granny's for some food. It's a diner like place and it will say Granny's on a huge sign, okay?" John asked.

"Yep, do you need a specific currency?" I asked, I wasn't exactly sure what is the same and what's not from the time I had escaped.

"Oh yes!" Micheal said reaching into his pocket which had a weird square shaped box in it. He pulled out a couple of green papers and handed them to me.

"This should be enough for Granny's, we have a lot of this because of our jobs, so don't worry about spending it." Micheal explained as he saw the perplexed look on my face.

They say a quick see you later and make there way to find a house while Felix and I head to the diner.

Pans POV
I made it to Storybrooke and stuck to the shadows and the sky. No one would know I was here until I want them to. I scoped out the town. Until I saw the Blue Fairy, I watched her extra closely, she would get in the way of things if she was kept around. I followed her until she got to a place near a diner. It was a large building I assume to be an office of sorts. Then I examined the diner, I saw Felix and My Darling at a table, I'm proud. They knew better than to get attached to this town and it's people. Because they would be back soon enough. I sent my shadow to go under the table, sticking the shadow of it so I can hear what they are saying.

"I'm scared Felix. I don't want to be but I am." I bet she is talking about me, she remembers what I did to get to her all those years ago.

"Even I can see Pan cares for you, if not loves you. He will be here and he will bring us back whether you want to or not. Pan never fails.
Good job Felix I thought to myself. His loyalty throughout the years is what made him my right hand and honestly my best friend. He knows how I work and I know he can contribute to Wendys well-being when she comes back to Neverland, since her brother cannot come as they are adults. And they'd try to take her from me. My Wendy-bird is mine and only mine.

"I know Felix. I might forgive him in time but everything he's lied about courses through my head. And the sad thing is I could still love him."
I love you too My Wendy-bird. We will be together soon enough. But I gotta play a game with this town first. I said to myself, the people in this town will pay for taking what is mine. I commanded my shadow to return and sent it to start tearing shadows, starting with the Blue Fairy.

Wendys POV

Felix and I finished our meals and headed out the door but we heard screaming nearby. We followed the noise and we ended up in front of a office like building. I watched Emma run in with her gun or whatever it's called and David not far behind. Felix and I followed after, him with his blade ready. We had arrived to see Emma checking for a pulse and David standing over the body holding a note. It's The Blue Fairy. I covered my mouth to stifle a gasp and Felix held his blade to his side.

"What happened?" Emma asked

"I don't see a entry wound, Blood, or anything to go off of." She questioned to David.

Means To An End- OUAT DarlingPan story Where stories live. Discover now