The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Does it?" He looked relived again, turning to walk by your side as the both of you started down the hallway, talking just loud enough for each other to hear. "Do I look a little less dorky? I think I do."

You snorted. "Sure you do, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a giant dork. Glasses or no glasses won't change that." You tell him, and he playfully pushed into you as he laughed softly.

"I'm not trying to change." You couldn't stop the thought of maybe he was lying. Maybe he was trying to change. There had to be a reason; no one just changed their entire appearance for no reason. "And there's no way I'm gonna stop being a dork." He rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face told you he had no hard feelings. "For real though, how do I look?"

That question was treading on dangerous waters. What would happen if you answered truthfully? Would you be able to keep a reign on yourself and not come off as creepy? You had always found Peter attractive from the start, and now.... But you also knew couldn't lie to him either. You might not have been capable of doing that.

"You look good, Peter." You wound up saying, keeping your voice as indifferent but also supportive as you could. You wondered why he asked you of all people that question, and your mind foolishly started to race with thoughts like "does he like me too?"

You hadn't thought about admitting your feelings for Peter anytime soon, and for good reason. After you met him the first day of school, the relationship between you and Peter bloomed into a beautiful and easy friendship. It was so natural for you to be yourself around him, even if at times he catches you off guard and you have to scramble to pretend he wasn't the sole person occupying your thoughts. Rapidly, Peter became one of the best friends you've ever had, and you never wanted to give that up for the world. And if there was even a chance that telling him about the romantic feelings you harbored would endanger that friendship, you would keep them to yourself.

There was another one that pained you to admit. That being, someone else already unknowingly had his heart. Of course he didn't like you like that. As far as you knew, he wasn't anywhere near the stage where his crush began to fizzle out. And sadly, neither were you. You had no reason to be jealous before, you never really were that type, and you were hoping that there wouldn't be one now. You'd learned about Peter's crush on a girl named Katy Weekes about a week into school, when he had spotted her in the halls and complete froze up as you, him and Ned (who was also his friend from years before, and he had introduced you too) were walking in the halls after 9th period to the busses outside. You were confused at the time, but Ned quickly filled you in and pointed her out, making Peter go bright red and try to hide behind you as she got closer. He had squeaked out a "hi", but she didn't even spare him a glance.

Maybe she was his reason. You frowned at the thought.

Since then, Peter's told you they'd had brief conversations, since they're in the same Algebra class together, but he had gotten nowhere in attempts. Every once in a while, he would ask you for advice, and as his friend, you gave your best to him.

"Something on your mind?" You asked Peter after the both of you fell into a silent walk, one that was normally filled with playful banter.

"Hm?" His gaze turned toward you and he shook his head. "Nothing really. Just thinking about a project I'm thinking about starting." You raised an eyebrow. He had looked like his mind was in a different place, some far away imagination land.

"That sounds fun. What is it?" You asked, and you noticed you were getting closer to your home room.

"Um, it's nothing special." He said dismissively. "On a completely unrelated note, do you have any like, plastic containers you don't use?"

You scrunched you your nose in while you thought about it. "Like, food containers, or just like anything?"

"Anything, it doesn't matter. I'm just gonna melt it down and mold it anyway," he said causally, but once his words left his mouth, you saw his eyes widen like he said something he shouldn't have. Did he not want you asking questions?

"Oh. Okay, I'd have to check when I get home." You tell him and the both of you stop a foot away from the classroom door. "Is there a chance I'll find out about this mystery project? You playing with fire seems like you might have to be supervised." You joked and Peter cracked a smile.

"Um, may-maybe. I wanna think about it some more."

"Okay." You suppressed your curiosity as much as you still wanted to pry. Peter had a right to keep secrets of his own, it wasn't like the two of you were at the level of friendship where you kept nothing from the other yet. Even so, people were allowed to keep secrets. "See you and Ned at lunch?"

"You bet."

You smiled and gave Peter a mock salute before you turned around, saying a soft "bye" and walking into class. You wouldn't see him again until lunch, the only period the both of you shared in your contrasting schedules.

There was something about...all of that...that made you think something was off. Something was definitely off. While Peter wasn't weak before, he didn't look like he suddenly started lifting weights and the results that would come gradually just appeared overnight. His height and his eyesight, both of those things had a plausible reason behind them. Puberty was wild and uncontrollable, and even if you hadn't heard Peter talking about it before, his aunt and uncle could have totally brought him to get prescription contacts.

It was unnatural, not that you were complaining. Something had to have happened to him, and either he didn't know, or he was keeping it a secret. Peter must've known people would probably ask questions. Did he actually have any answers prepared for them?

You would say you trusted Peter any day. He had never lied to you before, you liked to think it was because you hadn't given him a reason to, and neither have you. You knew he must've thought of something, and knowing Peter, he was going to stick to his plan unless something derailed or discouraged him. You just hoped he knew what he was doing, whatever it was.

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