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"Today marks a new day in history. All of the gangs have agreed to dissolve as we will all receive equal rights from the favoured amendment. Healthcare is now everywhere and the towns are being renovated as we speak. The question we all have is what caused the people in the Upper District to have a change in heart? This will be answered in the next interview with Dani Carter a few days after her wedding which is finally here." The news reporter said as she looked away at her screen.

Adam's eyes met mine as she started speaking again.

"Hoyt has been off the grid since this event. Maybe, he was a bringer of justice after all of this time. Before the wedding, Ryan Fern was taken into custody for mass murder in a town down south- justice will be served." She continued until Adam turned off the television after getting up and leaning towards my face as I sat on the couch.

I could still smell the bacon, sausages and egg from earlier in the air as I fiddled with my fingers until my eyes met with Adams. Realising how he was only a few inches away from my face while he spoke. My heart raced as I smiled at him, I could finally control my feelings. It's not so much of a rollercoaster.

"Finally, they know who I really was. We'll be married soon, it's crazy considering how we met." He said before kissing my cheek as I sorted out his collar and hugged him.

"Agreed- I'll see you downstairs at seven. Good luck with the therapy." I muttered before running my fingers through his hair, scruffing it up right after he put gel in it, "Georgie will be with Julie, she told me she finished packing over there and wanted to stay until the wedding."

Adam grinned as I cupped his cheeks.

"That's perfectly fine with me." He said as he held my hand.

"Stay safe, I love you." I said as I saw his cheeks turn pink.

"You too." He muttered under his breath before leaving, I felt his touch linger on my skin as I turned away and headed for the classroom with my notebook.

Time for classes again.

Making my way down to the classroom, I looked at my watch and a couple of times before running to the classroom with sweat dripping down my face.

I could no longer smell Adam's deodorant that I borrowed from him since my perfume ran out the other day. Who thought running would be so tiresome, then again, I haven't trained in a very long time.

My fingers traced the door handle as I prepared for the worst, getting shouted at for being late to my only class of the day.

I rushed into the classroom with papers flying out in different directions before placing my bag on top of the table as I sat on the leather chair. Mother's eyes met mine before she smiled at me as she tapped at her watch.

"Let's get this show on the road, dear. Try not to be late next time." Mother said as she ran her fingers through her hair as she clicked through her presentation, waiting for me to sort out my notes.

Pulling out a pen from my pocket, I looked at the screen tentatively as I let all of the memories of studying rush in. Instead of focusing on them, I let them wash over me slowly, knowing that there's only a few minor memories left. I will never remember some things or people. I have no memories of Anna but it's acceptance of that face that is more than important with anything.


"What if you never remember everything?" My mother asked as she ran her fingers through her hair before pointing at the board and explaining some business stuff related to medicine.

I sighed as I shut my notebook, watching my mother put her pointer back and sipped her tea. Mother smiled at me as she wore her suit and looked like a completely different person.

"I didn't need to remember anything- I just wanted to find out who saved me that night and say thanks. Thing is, that person happened to be dad and he allowed me to remember things that I wouldn't have been able to. Meet those who mean everything to me, and for that, I'm grateful with or without my memories." I said as my mother nodded before handing me a cup of coffee and looking at my notes.

I couldn't help but be taken back to a time that I almost forgot when I looked at them, especially the old untouched ones from eight years ago.

"You're really picking everything up. Well done, father and I will do everything we can so you can get that degree. Thank you for bringing him back, dear." She said before turning off the lights and locking the door as we walked outside.

"Thank you." I muttered as I looked away, "thank you for changing. I missed you."

My mother smiled at me as I walked towards Adam and Georgie as they waited for me outside with chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows as Eagle stumbled through the doors as Julie walked behind him while pulling a face and then slapping her forehead. She smiled either way afterwards when she saw me, she rushed up to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly, leaving almost little to no air to breathe.

I didn't mind though.

"Happy birthday!" They all said as my mother rubbed my shoulders.

Adam handed me the flowers, our hands grazed as I felt everyone's eyes on us. My heart raced as I kissed his cheek. Before I knew it, hot tears were streaming down my face.

How could I forget? I smiled as Georgie wiped away my tears before hugging her.

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