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Darkness surrounded us as Adam continued to drive his motorbike with his headlights on. My arms were wrapped around him as we sat in silence, listening to the rumbling of the engine.

There was an occasional sight of fireflies, I was blown away with the beauty each one of them had. Back in the Upper District there were none. There's a lot of things to see and do out here.

It was as if several hours had passed, I was unable to look at my watch since I was preoccupied with the thoughts of the kiss and the confession we had that only seemed to be a few moments ago. Since it replayed in my mind like a broken record of some sort.

My heart was finally starting to accept what we had just done and said. We were in love. At first, I didn't know how to respond to it.

What if it was all just my imagination? Then again, I don't think that I can live the rest of my life without Adam there by my side.

The voice in my head started to ring louder and louder in my mind, questioning if I should be with him and if I was actually worthy of his love.

I've put him in danger for so long. And the only reason?To find this person that saved me from Ryan. That alone, makes no sense to me.

Why endanger those that you love?

Especially, when this could have all been avoided if I wasn't so selfish with my desires and feelings. Selfish desires of mine. That's all I've been doing. Giving in to every whim of mine.

When will all of this stop? It needs to change.

When I meet this person who saved me, I expect answers. No more questions. No more nonsense and beating around the bush. This needs to end now. This has gone on long enough. I don't want to lose or hurt anymore people. Then again, it might be unavoidable.

My thoughts were interrupted by Adam stopping the motorbike and switching the headlights off as we made it to the front entrance of what remains of Colony 1495. We parked next to the metal gate, covering our tracks by using the trees and the overgrown bushes that surrounded us.

In the distance, there was a merry-go-round that I could recognise instantly. That was the theme park I went to with Julie and Hannah that day after we visited the beach. She was there with Ryan and my father.

"Hey, Dani! Get over here!" Julie called as she sat on the sand with an umbrella and cute sunglasses on.

Smiling, I headed towards her, feeling the sand in between my toes. I wish I wore sandals.

"Coming!" I replied before running up to Julie and her mom (who had wrinkles on her face and a few unnoticeable scars and burns at first glance).

My mum emerged from the car boot as she pulled out a Polaroid from her grandmother as we huddled together in a group, posing in the silliest yet authentic way possible while laughing at each other's awful tans. She adjusted the Polaroid on the stand before pressing the countdown button, mum rushed up to join us as we all said "Greens!" As a special motto for our 'group'.

Ryan stood in the corner of the photo with his shades on next to Hannah and Davies as she stuck her tongue out and Davies looked away. Father's arms wrapped around mother and me

The camera flashed and a few moments later Julie stole my hat before heading towards the camera and pulling out the photo.

"Perfect! It's perfect!" Julie exclaimed excitedly as if she was ready to start a new piece of artwork.

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