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As I opened my eyes, I looked around as I noticed that this was not my hospital room, the blank white walls did not take too long to get adjusted to. After all, I feel like I'm not living my own life.

The walls were of some shade of- wait, what was it called? Blue? Ah, yes it is. I realised how minimalist the whole set up for the room is, a desk with a chair, a computer, bed, on suite and black blinds alongside a few popular alternative bands and artists (some rock, blues or punk) posters on the walls.

While I studied the room I was in, I soon started to wonder, where the hell was I? What happened? How did I get here? The typical questions that you would ask if you are suddenly somewhere else.

Maybe, I was kidnapped or maybe not. Interrupting my thoughts, I saw someone walk into the room with a clipboard in their hand. What was his name again? Francis Orlando. Wait- the doctor!

Rushing to get off of the bed, I paced towards the doctor even though my head hurt as it did before. Without watching where I was going, I stubbed my toe against the bed frame and grabbed a hold of it while hopping towards the doctor.

"Doc, where am I?" I asked as he smiled for a moment.

He flicked through a few pages before looking at me.

"This is your room. Well- the room you had." He replied blankly before walking out of the room, "Adam will be here soon." Is what I heard him say as I watched him leave.

"This is my room?" I muttered as I looked around intently, trying to figure out what kind of person I was like before I lost my memories.

"It's no use." A voice in my head said, "You'll never remember a thing, just give up already." After hearing it, I shook my head as I reminded myself why I want to remember. The promise I made with Adam and what I said in the hospital the other day.

"Hey, you-" Adam said as he walked in and sat down on my chair.

Turning around, I looked at him as I approached him.

"How long was I out for? Where am I? Why is Doc here?" I asked as all of the questions locked up in my mind until Adam raised his hand as if to remind me that I have said too much and that I was rambling.

He sighed as he put his hands into his pockets.

"You were out for a week, this is your house- Alex's house. And Franc is here to keep an eye on you for a week to make sure that you don't relapse." He said before getting up and walking towards me carefully while making sure to close my bedroom door.

"Listen, we can't go outside and find the man who saved you because of him. We'll be able to afterwards, until then we're stuck here." Adam said quietly in my ear, "And if you remember anything at all, tell me but please don't force yourself to remember. We don't hate you and even if everyone else does, I won't." I looked at him and nodded.

Taking a step back, I smiled at him before looking away.

"I know." I muttered before running my fingertips against the wooden desk.

Adam smiled sadly before saying "You used to do that all the time." He grabbed my slowly healing hand to take me out of the room. My old room.

I followed Adam through the hallway, a glimpse of the channeler was all I could see before we went down the stairs, towards a few glass double doors. At this point, I wondered where my mother was and how she was doing. But I didn't want to ask Adam yet until he had stopped dragging me somewhere.

He released my hand as he headed off to another room before returning with a key in his hand. Adam opened the double doors before holding my hand again and stepping outside.

The breeze hit my face, for what seemed like forever, I could finally breathe properly, the hospital wards were too claustrophobic for me to be in. Something just doesn't bode well with me and staying indoors, I wonder why.

Smiling, I turned towards Adam as I felt the breeze against my hair before letting go of his hand to walk towards the pond even though I had no shoes on. The garden was filled with various flowers, bushes and perfectly trimmed grass. Everything was a sight to see and indulge in, 'Nature itself is a blessing. Give a plant water and it will grow, just like we do when we experience something new. Never forget the importance of nature because we're a part of it, Daniella." My mother said before picking up a bluebell.

Adam walked towards me, I touched my cheek and realised how I was crying. He looked down at me before holding me by the shoulders with one hand and wiping my tears with the other.

"I remember something. I stayed here with my mum didn't I?" I asked as he looked at me.

He nodded before hugging me.

"Don't cry." He muttered against my hair, "I'm glad you're memories are coming back."

Pulling away from the hug, I smiled at him and wiped my tears before nodding.

"Do you want to grow a plant with me until the Doc leaves?" I asked enthusiastically.

Adam put his hands on his pockets before showing me a packet of plant seeds.

"Sure." He said before asking.

We headed towards the compost patch in the small green house as we dug a few holes into it and putting some seeds in.

"Why do this?" Adam said before covering the seeds with the soil again.

"It'll be my way of saying that I've remembered something." I replied.

"I promise to try my hardest to remember as much as I can." I continued as I got up and brushed off the soil on my hands and onto my jeans.

"I'll promise to help you then." He said before getting up, "And we'll plant something each time, deal?"

"Deal." I said before smiling genuinely.

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