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As soon as we made our way through the muddy grasslands and the mini-river that ran through it, we were face to face with the building that I instantly recognised. Adam was right- I wish he wasn't. This was Eagles house.

This was the village that I stayed in with my father. Except that house was all that remains. I looked around to find the remains of my house and others, scattered around the place. All ash. My father's ashes remain in one of the patches. Burnt alive. I heard the screams replay in my mind as I watched Adam open the door, making my blood boil. He was the reason this all started. Why did he want my father dead?

Why was Eagles house rebuilt and not mine? This was all his doing.

"Upper district?" I said as I read through the newspaper about the criminal activities that caused the fire.

After that fire, nobody gave out newspapers anymore. We all had to rely on the cheap radios we had lying around with half broken antennas.

Tracy leaned against the wall near the bookshelf as she looked at me.

"This is the lower district. The upper district is rich and has walls to protect them. That's your house, love." She answered as she handed Grant a pint of his beer.

"The lower ones are left to rot and crime." Grant muttered under his breath before smiling at Tracy.

"Where's Eagels house then?" I asked.

"Eagle's village owner wanted to colonise the place. Most towns are filled with gangs, we keep all the families while the colonies produce everything the Upper District needs." Tracy answered before looking away, "we were one of them once- for beer."

Somehow, the reason why the Rioters attacked made sense. They didn't want colonies and my father was trying to make a colony... But it wasn't tat bad, right? We gave them food, water and properly built homes.

Did Tracy know that my father owned the village? Probably.

Either way it explained the windmills, the vast fields with contaminated crops and this town had a fresh supply of water unlike here. If he wasn't my father, I'd support the Rioters to stop the colonies but even then- they took it too far. Burning my father alive. Will they do that to my mother too if they had a chance?

"Remember the place?" Adam asked as he threw his bag onto the floor.

"Yeah." I said before shrugging my shoulders, noticing how the entrance to the house was still the same.

Hannah traced her finger against the paintings and the family photos of Eagle and his mother. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the whole family photo. I stood with her as I looked at the photo.

"The younger version of Ryan and Max." Hannah muttered as she looked at Eagle, "I swear I've seen him somewhere."

I felt my heart race as I recalled how she saw Eagle that day without the mask on when she went into the storehouse. Hopefully, she won't recognise him. After all, Eagle dyed his hair black which was very much different from how it was back then. Did Eagle have his contacts in when Hannah was there?

"Anyway, we're here now. Make yourself comfortable." Adam said as he pushed Hannah's wheelchair into the living room.

I watched them as I took the family photo and stuffed it into my pocket. Eagle wanted to remove all traces of his family, this is one of the ways to do it.

Is that what my mother wanted to do with me? Remove me from the family by not having a single photo of me in it. Definitely. I better ask Hannah about those photos. Then a question came up in my head, why can't Adam see the photos?

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