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We still weren't at the cottage when the sun had set. It would have taken two hours to drive to the location and yet it ended up being a trip that seemed to last a lifetime using the bikes. It wasn't necessarily bad. I enjoyed the long conversations and finding new things about Adam. For instance, his love for dogs, jazz music and reading. We also shared a lot of common ground too. But most of all, it was nice seeing him loosen up a bit.

I looked at the watch Adam gave me when we had a break to stretch our backs and gain our bearings.

"We're close." Adam said as he pointed at one of the signs while biking past it.

Biking on the road has its advantages, we won't get lost on the way. I sighed as I ran my fingers against one of the oak trees as we went past. It reminded me of the garden back at home- a paradise. A slumber for the blind and oblivious.

"About the bet." I said as I caught up to him, we started to bike at the same speed.

Adam's eyes met mine until I looked away and rode around the hole in the road that was in front of me, almost bashing into his bike.

"It doesn't matter- it's a draw." Adam said calmly as I raised my eyebrows, "It's not like you know the way there."

What he said made sense, I didn't have a clue which sign we were supposed to follow. I adjusted the helmet Adam gave me. He always gives me his helmet- probably scared that I'd fall and hurt myself. Or maybe- he doesn't like them. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure.

"What did you want to ask me?" I said as I went back to the other side of the road.

Adam looked away for a while as we stayed silent. Listening to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling against the branches, I sighed as I felt at peace with myself. If only everyday could be like this. But they can't- accept the moments as they fleet away. I learnt that the hard way. These memories of mine that I've gained only show how ungrateful I was for the people I had in my life. Julie's mother, for instance. Or even my father. I couldn't express how I felt or how I was grateful for their presence and what they have done for me.

That regret will haunt me forever. Until, I make this right.

"Will you adopt Georgie?" He said as his eyes met mine.

My breath caught in my throat as he asked me the question. That's what was on his mind? I didn't say anything at first as I thought about how I felt before I met Georgie and how I feel now with her in a state like this.

A part of me felt nostalgic and almost envious- wouldn't I have my own kids if I didn't have amnesia? I really do have amnesia, confronting myself about it is much more difficult than I imagined it to be.

My age shouldn't determine when I have children- I can't believe that I used to believe that I should have a family by now. Even so, am I ready to look after Georgie? I have thought about it after speaking to Tracy about her reasons for not being with anyone or having children.

"If there are so many their children out there- without parents, siblings or anyone to look after them. Why have your own children when you could help those who no longer have parents? That's why I stay here. In this town with everyone. They need help more than anyone else out here." Tracy said as she cleaned the rifles.

I looked away for a moment.

"Otherwise, they might be influenced by the Rioters?" I asked.

Tracy frowned for a moment.

"Yes and no- otherwise, they'll all die or think of the world in a negative way- lose their childhoods." She answered.

Looking back, I realised how I never fully understood what Tracy meant until now. Georige- like many other kids have lost their childhoods. And the other ones in this town were killed one by one. No Rioter will take them in. That's why Tracy is there.

"Will she get better?" I muttered under my breath.

Adam looked at me as his eyes glazed over, he sighed before looking away.

"Maybe, maybe not-" He said, never tearing his eyes off the road.

"She did say she wanted a step-mother. But am I really capable of looking after her?" I interrupted.

Adam smiled for a moment before looking at me.

"I used to believe that I couldn't look after her. But maybe, you could. She really likes you." Adam said slowly as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I'll think about it," I said quietly as I stopped the bike and tied my hair up, "I'll ask you a question now."


"Do I have a choice?" He said

"Nope." I said as I smiled.


"After meeting me, have you learnt anything?" I asked.

"How to trust others and not resort to the worst option when someone makes a mistake. You've taught me a lot. I need to control my emotions- not let them get the better of me."

"I had no idea." I muttered as I looked away.

"I'm sure we'll have time to talk about this another time. We need to get my motorbike."

"Couldn't we just bike it to the place we need to go?"

"No, it'll take too long. We'll run out of time. Remember? Georgie's medicine will run out soon and my motorbike is expensive."

I felt a cold shiver down my spine. My mind wouldn't allow me to even think that Georgie could die. It made me feel sick to the core. She has to survive. But in reality, will she?

I want to go back there, back to the Fireplace. I can't lose this fight. Fighting shadows of what were and what could've been. My past- that comes to haunt me. If I lose, I will die and so will the person who saved me. Won't they?

"Alright. Let's hurry." I said as I started to pedal faster.

I now understand what's at stake. It's not all about me anymore. It's not about me, my memories or the person who saved me. Georgie is going to die if she doesn't get the help she needs. Ryan will kill everyone in this gang because he knows they've associated with me. And Hannah, well Hannah- I'm not too sure about her but her life is also at risk. My main question is why hasn't Ryan killed anyone in the Upper District if he hates us so much? Aside from the business deal with my mother, what else is stopping him from attacking?

Wait- of course. He doesn't hate the system- he wants to take control of the Upper District to find Eagle. He needs the power to find him but it's for the wrong reasons. Eagle's life is also on the line. Their lives are in my hands. I have to stop this.

I can't use violence though. Afterall, they are family. We are all involved in mankind's game. And our frustration is only a part of the bigger picture. With that, we can resolve this peacefully. No more deaths. No more lies. No more gangs.

This has to work.

Broken Seams ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora