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A Few Moments Later
2 seconds later

Adam grimaced when Eagle fell on the floor, a loud thud could be heard in the room. His blood coated the concrete floor.

Everything was silent for a moment. I didn't say a word, I could only think about the Rioters. The gunshots, shouting, screaming and crying. Is this what everyone felt in the fire and the massacre? 

Shaking my head, I decided to focus. Crouching down, I placed my finger on Eagles neck trying to find a pulse. He was barely breathing but alive at best. I watched Adam rush towards the cabinet next to the window. He came back with a medical kit in his hand.

"Shit. He's lost a lot of blood," Adam said as he wiped Eagles head with disinfectant.

Sighing, I walked towards the window, this day is only getting worse. The sound of Adams coughing and tearing of fabric could be heard. I did not look at them both right away. Instead, I picked away at the old white paint on the window pane before watching droplets of rain trickle down on the glass.

In all honesty, I was scared to look at them. Everything was still replaying in my mind, it wasn’t only the things that had happened today. I was thinking about everything. Ever since I woke up, things only seem to be going wrong. Maybe it’s just me. I will remember everything, right?

When I gained the courage to look at them, I noticed how Adam didn’t tear a bandage. He tore his own shirt after coating it in alcohol, an effective way to disinfect something.

It reminded me of a memory of how I used to do the same when I got hurt. That’s when it dawned on me, I used to leave my house to go here? Not this room specifically but this place, this poverty. I have seen it all before but why?

I fiddled with my thumbs as I approached Adam, I looked at my bitten nails wishing I could break my bad habits. Adam stood up after moving Eagle so that he was leaning on the wall. Our eyes met before I shoved my hands into the back pocket of my black, ripped jeans. 

"Will he be alright?" I asked.

"No idea. We need more supplies if he gets infected and pain killers." He said before scratching his head, "but it's at town."

We both looked at Eagle, he shuddered before his eyes flickered open. I let out a sigh before looking away, he's fine don't blame yourself. 

"You're back from the dead, how was it?" I said as I looked at Adam, "help me here." He carefully placed Eagle over his shoulder before walking towards the sofa. I tried to get Eagle to stop thinking about the pain, Adam caught on by continuing what I started.

"You're heavier than last time, what have you been eating?" Adam said before grinning, I smiled as I threw a pillow onto the sofa. In that moment, he put Eagle down into it.

Eagle didn't respond, his face scrunched up before turning red. He pressed his hand against his waist and tried to get up to no avail.

"Stop it-" I said as I knelt next to him, my knee was against the floor. I placed my hands on the sofa near Eagles chest as he looked up at me with watery eyes.

"You stay here- we'll find Grant and the supplies." I muttered before running my fingers through his hair, "you need to rest. We'll be back before you know it." 

I could smell his sweat as I was a few inches away from his face. Adam crossed his arms over his chest while tapping his foot. Eagle tried to get up again, he opened his mouth to say something but I gently pushed him down onto the sofa. 

He could barely speak as he started to close his eyes. Adam checked his pulse once more before getting his empty backpack. I took a bottle of water just in case.

Adam led me to the bookshelf, he pulled on the skull that was on the top of the shelf. A faint click hung in the air, at first I thought it was a gun but as Adam pulled off the carpet from the floor, it all became clear. 

He grabbed the tile and pushed out aside to reveal a ladder that plunged down into the darkness. 

"Let's go." Adam said before he took out a torch from his pocket, and tuned it on as we went down the ladder.

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