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"Ah, my men have finally returned. I'll talk to you all later, until then please bring these two to the training room." Tracy said with a small grin as she patted all of them as they passed her one by one, making sure that she didn't leave anyone out.

"Of course." One of them answered before the others were kneeling on one knee in front of us. Some looked at Tracy but the majority of them faced me. This power of mine won't go to waste.

After that fight, I remembered a lot of things to do with my time here with this gang. Even though it was six to eight years of memories that I lost, I remembered most of the key details. Like how the interrogation were and the fighting moves that I was taught before. With that and the fight against Eagle and Tracy, I was more than convinced that if I could face others too. They were much more skilled than the people who attacked us. Aren't they? I mean, Adam couldn't fight it because he was caught by surprise and trying to protect me at the same time which can be a troubling time.

But now, I've trained my ass off to get here. Night and day, this will not go to waste. If I could do that while injured then I'll be able to face them. All of them. Nothing will get to me now, they deserve death.

I headed for the sliding doors, and grabbed a wooden chair, Eagle picked up a second one with me. We both placed the chairs in the middle of the room with each chair a few feet away from each other. The sound of their muffling rang in my ears, Tracy ripped off the woman's blindfold without any care, taking some of her hair with it.

The man shook his head around frantically while shouting for her, calling her in a loving way. They're together, this will complicate things. Eagle frowned before pulling the man onto the chair, I started tying him up using the rope that was left on the floor. Tracy and one of her men did the same thing to the woman, I looked at them both. Struggling for freedom, just like I am- like we all are. They took Adam from me, I can't have sympathy for them. They'll go to hell.

The guards left once I waved them off, Tracy smiled slightly when I did that. Eagle chuckled before the man started thrashing his legs against the chair. I took out the gun from my pocket and slowly walked to him, pressing the gun against his forehead. The woman screamed as she thought he was going to die in front of her. No, I have better plans.

"Tell me," I said, as Tracy pulled out her knife and pressed it against the woman's throat to stop her from making so much noise, then looking at the man, "why does Hoyt want this?"

"I'd rather die than tell you anything." The man said before I grinned at him. How cute.

My blood boiled as I tried to control myself, what was my reaction? Laughing. Everyone stared at me as I continued to laugh until my lungs gave out. I lifted the gun at the ceiling, furrowing my eyebrows and glaring at the man.

"Well, alright then." I answered as I moved my gun from the ceiling and pulled the trigger when I aimed at his knee. He closed his eyes when I did that and yet he didn't scream in pain, no blood rushed out his knee.

"Oh dear, the one bullet I have in here didn't land on you. If you say that again, it'll be the girl next." I said.

Eagle pulled me back as he grabbed me from the shoulders.

"What are you doing? Have you gone mad?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"We did this in the Upper District prisons." I said as I looked at the man shifting uncomfortably in his seat, the woman sighed before letting out a hacking cough that shook me to the core. Even they were ill.

"That's true, considering I was there." Tracy muttered, looking away as she rubbed her eyes.

Both of the Rioters looked at me with fearful eyes once they realised who they were messing with.

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