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The glass shards scattered around us both, we landed with a thump onto the overgrown grass. I looked at Adam as blood dropped down his neck from jumping out the window. Luckily, the glass shards didn't pierce my shoes or injure my feet. Otherwise, this chase of ours would be rather eventful. Adam and I wore the same shoes so his feet should be intact too. Just why would the woman need to follow us around? Why couldn't Ryan follow us if he wanted me dead so badly for killing his sister? Surely, he has more motivations than to kill me for that. Oh right, he thinks I know where his brother is. Which is true but I didn't kidnap him unless... that's why the Rioters attacked my dad's house in the village because we offered to let people stay there.

The woman held onto her foot for a moment as she sat on the floor while cursing in pain for landing the wrong way. Maybe she didn't train enough for this like we have for over two months straight. I smiled for a moment until she laid her eyes on me and got up to run.

Eagle ran outside to catch up with us a few seconds later, after going to the countertop to take the piece of paper that the woman left on there before running towards us with a mask on that was hanging on the wall in the room. Did the woman see Eagle before? And do they know that he's Max? If they did, that means Ryan told them about what happened to make them hate us while showing them what he looked like. We're screwed if that happened.

"They can't see my face otherwise they'll take me to him!" Eagle said fearfully as he ran to us with his hands up in the air, "Go! I'll tell Tracy what happened. Here keep this!" He said as he handed me the piece of paper.

"Great." Adam said as he looked away, running his hand through his hair before facing us, "now what?"

Adam ran to the woman as she tried to make it to the barbed fence. A mixture of sweat and blood dripped down his face as he made it and tackled the woman onto the floor who screamed in pain and thrashed her fists around like an animal of some sort. He pulled her hair before she was able to land a hit on his burn. Adam recovered a lot faster than I expected as he frowned, he was double her body weight since she was deprived of food. Food and money were her goals- her rewards for succeeding in whatever she was told to do from Ryan and Hoyt.

Sighing, I looked at Eagle as he passed me the piece of paper before stuffing it into my pocket.

"I have a plan." Eagle muttered as he pulled out his earpiece.

Adam and I looked at each other as he pressed a button to turn it off. He had an earpiece this whole time? I never saw him put it in and even while it rested in there, he never said anything out of the ordinary nor was it visible since it was a clear earpiece. A modification of the ones we have in the Upper District. Except, these seemed to come from there. The guards there no longer wore the black ones there or maybe they didn't need to.

"Use your motorbike." He said as one of the medics came to Eagle with it in his hands.

The last time I saw the motorbike it was blue and black, now it was black and red. Newly painted to fit the gang's themes. There was a repair building for him on the upper floor of the Frey. I wish he told me that and not Georgie.

"We were going to use it to make the supplies get home-" Eagle continued to speak until the woman finally caught Adam off guard and kicked him in the stomach before jumping over the barbed wire.

"Okay, thanks!" Adam said as he took the keys from him and eagerly put the keys into it and turned on the ignition.

The smell of petrol filled my nostrils as I inhaled it in without realising how refreshing petrol smelt compared to the town itself. While we were distracted, the woman was able to get into her car and turned it on after sprinting to her Rioter SUV.

"Go and come back in one piece. Georgie will be waiting." He muttered as he looked at us both.

The woman rolled down her windows before she looked at us with her natural blue eyes for a moment before sticking her middle finger at us all. That's a bit much.

"You'll pay for what you've done! Lorenez!" She shouted before cursing as she spinned her car wheels, letting all the dirt particles rise into the air and land straight into our faces.

A few moments later, I sat on the motorbike seat and held onto Adams' firm torso before we drove off to go after her for answers. Turning around, I saw Eagle fade into the distance as he ran back to the Fireplace after climbing the barbed wire fence with ease. They won't find out where the Fireplace is, right? There's no way. They would never be able to do that. But they came too close for comfort, as always. Their specialty.

Not long after, Adam followed the woman until it was a safe distance to stop. What if she leads us into a trap? There's no use running now though. We're in too deep. I didn't want to leave Georgie off the bat but I know that the medics will be able to collect the supplies on their own. The SUV has a bit more gas left to get to the storehouse and back.

"Go right." I said as I felt the wind blow my hair as Adam turned right as he cursed under his breath.

The woman turned the right corner as the dirt flew in the air around her.

"This woman likes to play games." He muttered as he looked at me for a few seconds with a small smile as I clung onto him tighter as he turned right onto a secluded path.

We got off the motorbike near a tree. The woman finally stopped her car in front of a cottage before closing the door. Adam pulled off his helmet before looking at me carefully.

"Look, we'll split up." He muttered as I held his hand for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah. Let's do this." I said as I let him go.

We ran to the house as we watched her pull off her jacket and go into the house. Adam snuck around the corner that had rose bushes growing on the side of the house and I went for the other side where there were bluebells, reminding me of my mother which made my blood boil.

We had to check if anyone else was there. I heard footsteps and rustling in the bushes next to me, looking around I saw no one. I walked backwards into the wall as I didn't tear my eyes from the bush.

Turning around, I was face to face with the woman.

"Adam!" I called out as I tried to run away from the woman who chuckled.

"Dani?" He said before I felt her arm wrap around my neck, putting me in a headlock without a care in the world as she pulled out her gun and pointed it directly in front of her.

Adam walked around the corner, he laid eyes on me and tried to reach out to me. Before he could, a man swung at him with a pipe. He grabbed the pipe and pulled the man away as the woman looked at them both. A few minutes later, they started to punch each other.

"Dani! No!" He shouted as I felt the woman pull on my neck harder as I tried to gasp for air.

"I can't breathe." I muttered as I felt all the oxygen escape my lungs as the woman suffocated me until everything faded to black.

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