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"Your father was a good man." Davies said as Hannah messed up his blonde hair before returning to her usual self within a few seconds.

Adam sat next to me as I sat up in the bed, with bandages wrapped around my shoulder after Davies had taken the bullet out of it. The sound of raindrops could be heard from nearby as I watched the water drip from the ceiling onto the floor. It must be raining again, hopefully Georgie is warm and eating well. I smiled for a moment as I thought about the waterfall and the moments I shared with Eagle and Tracy before Adam grabbed my hand.

"He was." I muttered as I looked at Davies, "How did you meet him?"

Davies looked away before smiling for a moment. My throat became dry as Hannah coughed before continuing to read through some sort of book or journal. Probably about the Rioters.

"Well, long story short, me and him were classmates and then business partners." He answered as he looked at his computer screen.

Another surveillance, huh. Strange for a doctor to have one of those.

"Liar," Hannah said as she pointed at him before frowning, "you two met after you saw Tracy leave jail. That's how I realised she left, you mong."

Davies stayed still as he raised his eyebrow at her

"Okay, okay. And that too, dear sister." He said with a small smile.

"Sister?" I said under my breath.

"I thought your brother was dead." Adam said as he folded his arms

Hannah moved uncomfortably before running her fingers through her blonde hair which covered her tattoos that went from her neck onto her shoulders. They were the same as Hoyt's.

"Let me get this straight, he isn't dead. Davies is my brother." She muttered under her breath as she sighed, "I didn't know he was still alive after the accident. A lot of people who went missing during that time- just like your father. Danielle."

It was the first time she said my name and for some reason, I thought that the old Hannah was returning but I knew that those days will never come back. The only question I had was why did Tracy think he was dead if he was standing here, right now in the flesh? Her hatred for the Rioters was justified until now. What if she finds out about Davies still being alive? Just how would Tracy respond. Adam stayed motionless as he looked at him and then sighed.

"Why didn't you go to Tracy?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow at Hannah, "She thinks you're dead."

Davies got up and turned away from the computer screen.

"Well, it's for the best. I miss the days where we could sit together as a family but these two won't get along." Davies said as he looked at Hannah as she looked away at the floor before fiddling with her crucifix necklace.

"Tracy isn't the same anymore." She muttered as she met my eyes, "She wants to kill me."

Adam and I looked at each other as he helped me out of the bed, I winced as I moved my shoulder

"That's not true. When we went to the Rioters base to save Adam, she made sure you weren't there on the shift."

Hannah looked away and cursed under her breath.

"She's kidnapped my friends." She muttered under her breath, not meeting anyone's eyes as she looked at the concrete floor.

"Anyway." Adam said as he got up and unzipped his jacket, "Davies, turn on the radio."

He nodded and not long after, the radio was on and a news reporter was talking. Like before the topic never really changed. Hoyt.

"Hoyt has killed yet another family westwards during an invasion of another town with the Rioters. A cottage was burnt to a crisp and there was said to be a family there." The news reporter said as it started to crackle a bit.

Adam stayed still as Hannah looked at him.

"Dani, you said you met Hoyt. Is that true?" Hannah asked.

I nodded slowly.

"He must have changed though, it's almost been two years." Adam muttered.

"There's more to Hoyt than you realise. There's fakes too. You might have met the fake one." Hannah muttered.

I stayed still as I looked at them. Fakes? When did this happen? And why am I being told this now? By Hannah of all people. I don't believe this.

"Have you met the real Hoyt?" I asked.

Hannah looked at me before smiling at Adam.

"Yes, in fact-" She said.

The radio started to buzz as gun shots went off.

"If you can hear me, you know who I'm talking to. I'll find you and kill you. This will end in revolution. Good night, Hoyt." The man said before the radio station turned off.

"That hasn't happened in years. Another fake- the media have done this on purpose." She muttered.

I froze. What did she just say?

"No," Adam said suddenly as he looked at us both, "Dani met the real one."

"How'd you know that?" She said with a small grin.

Adam moved uncomfortably as he looked at her.

"I trust her memories. Not you. We need to go to that place before they raid it." He answered.

"You're not going alone with Dani." Hannah said blankly as she looked at me in pity, "I'm joining you. Davies, get the chair."

"Alright- but your legs..." He muttered.

Hannah straightened her back as she looked at him.

"Davies. Chair. Now. I'll survive." She said as she crossed her arms like a child.

I didn't say a word as I looked at them.

"This is a suicide mission." Adam said as he looked at me.

"And I plan on surviving it with answers." Hannah said as she frowned.

Sighing, I got up and put my hand on Hannah's shoulder without thinking.

"Hannah. If you believe that you're fine... Get that chair and I expect you to walk. Understood?" I said, hating the way how I was acting.

Adam looked at me with his eyebrow raised before turning to Davies with the wheelchair.

"I'll do it." She muttered as she sat in the wheelchair, "Davies, explain where we have to go."

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