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It was anything other than what I imagined it to be. This wasn't a prison. This was the old building that father used to stay in to teach me medicine classes. I walked past the navy door which had a pane of glass in the middle, looking at the exact spot where Julie, Hannah and I used to sit. One day, it'll be the same again with a few new additions, Adam, Georgie and everyone else might be in this class. Though, I'd like it to be just the five of us.

Once Anna and I passed the several vacant classrooms with dusty chairs, we finally made it to the room which had LED lights on top of the door frame, saying authorisation was needed. Anna pulled out a piece of paper from her matching black purse before slamming it against the scanner beside the door. We remained in silence as we listened to the doors click and the scanner beep several times before opening the doors automatically.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket and Anna put the paper back into her purse before the guard approached us and led us to the cellars. As soon as my eyes laid on him, my blood boiled until I saw how battered and bruised he was from the guards. He deserves it, doesn't he? He started all of this, he wanted me dead- he wanted Adam dead too. My mother held onto the metal bars as she pressed her body against it, never once looking in Ryan's direction as her gaze remained fixated on Anna.

"Please understand-" Mother said before looking away, "if I knew he was alive this whole time, I wouldn't have done this."

Anna scowled as she ran her fingers through her hair and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"That doesn't change what you did. You created a monster out of this whole situation." I said as I crossed my arms before spitting in Ryan's direction.

"This isn't my place to say anything but I think some catch up is needed- with Doctor Davies and Francis." Anna said as she grabbed my mother by the hand and looked at her ring, "I understand your pain- I forgive what you did to me."

Sighing, Ryan grabbed the guards baton and pointed it at him before getting restrained again.

"I see." My mother muttered as she looked at Ryan for the first time and rubbed her forehead, "I can't believe I caused this to happen. I'll get a referral for Ryan and Max to meet."

Anna nodded and handed the guard her note before locking eyes with me and saluting as she walked out of the room.

"What will you do about father?" I said.

"I can't believe that bastard is still alive." Ryan sneered as my mother scowled at him.

"Not too sure, dear. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.I never intended for this to happen and if I didn't intervene then maybe you and Anna might still-"

"No, no- you've helped me find someone much much better. She's happier too- I'm in love with Adam." I muttered as I felt Ryan glare at me.

My mother nodded as I looked at the guard and took the keys off him before unlocking the cell.

"Does a second chance sound good?" I said as I hugged her through her tears.

"Yes- yes it does.Thank you, Dani. Ryan will get punished accordingly."

"No, I won't. Why won't I get a second chance? So much for your equality." He said before slamming his fists against the wall.

"A life sentence here." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair, "therapy with Francis and one offs where you can go outside with all of the guards and occasional meetings with Max. I'm being lenient here for the havoc you've caused."

Ryan looked away before sighing and slumping down onto the floorboards.

"It'll ease overtime won't it?" He muttered as he grabbed his head and rocked back and forth slowly.

"Depends." My mother said bitterly.

I smiled at my mother as we headed outside.

"Let's get ready for the party." I said softly, feeling my mind at ease as she smiled back at me for the first time in a while.


Hannah helped with her mother's makeup as she started to apply the last final tweaks to her eyeliner. My mother looked just like she did in her wedding photos, I couldn't help but feel relieved that mother was prepared to change unlike Ryan who wanted to knock out a guard to escape and cause another war. I guess hatred can run extremely deep.

We all headed back to the party, I looked at the watch that I still decided to wear from Adam. It was close to midnight- will Adam be okay with the darkness outside? I ran my fingers through my hair as we walked into the party. The lights were practically off, I noticed how Adam was in the corner of the room on his own.

Tracy and Grant sat down together next to the DJ as the neon lights spreaded across the room in different directions. Everyone else was on the dance floor or getting drinks from the bar. Eagle and father sat there as Julie headed up to them and strung mother.

I stopped paying attention to where everyone else was as I felt my palms become sweaty when I rushed to Adam and wrapped my arms around his neck, I could feel him instantly becoming less tense as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt comfortable around him as I rested my head on his shoulder, swaying from left to right with the beat.

"Georgie's with Anna, they're going to learn some origami." Adam muttered in my ear as he clung to me tighter when the neon lights turned off too. I could feel his breath quicken until I rubbed the back of his neck gently.

I didn't answer, we knew this would be one of our only chances to have some alone time together for a while. We still had to ask her some stuff. He licked his lips before drumming his fingers against my waist as I leaned towards him and stopped in my tracks as I wiped the sweat from his brow. My throat dried up as I pressed my lips against his softly.

"Thank you for everything." I said quietly as the song in the background changed to something more classical, "I'm sorry for what you had to go through."

He raised his eyebrows before shrugging his shoulders.

"The same goes for you- you've seen a lot of things. I've told Davies and he said he can help us out." He said before running his fingers through my hair and cupping my cheeks.

"Will you ever accept the ring?" He muttered as he hugged me.

I laughed as I felt my stomach flip.

"Yes, I want Georgie to get used to living here with everyone first. We still need to ask her." I said softly before letting him go and walking away, he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back to him.

"Don't go just yet, Dani." He said as he rubbed my knuckles, "let's talk about everything- everything that's happened since we met in the hospital. See what you've remembered."

I smiled before holding his hand and pulling him down to sit on the floor, everyone continued dancing. For the first time, I could finally say that we were finally invisible, not being seen by anyone.

"Sure." I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we started talking about how we first met until everyone left to go to their temporary sleeping bags outside. 

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