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"Fine. I'll tell you everything." Adam said before sighing, "you have to trust me. Otherwise, you'll get killed."

We stood outside the cave for what seemed like hours as he explained everything and how he was 'given the name' Hoyt.

"Well? Why are you Hoyt?" I said as I could hear the water rushing nearby.

Adam looked at the trees that surrounded us before meeting my eyes.

"I can't control what people say about me." He said.

Sighing, I sat on the dirt as I felt my legs give out on me.

"What are you on about?" I said as I looked up at him.

The wind blew against our hair, I ran my fingers through mine to keep it under control. I didn't realise how my hair was tangled until this point.

"I had to keep tabs on Ryan somehow. After I saved your dad, my men told me he was out in the forest. I had no idea what was going on but I needed to find him." He said as he helped me up.

Why would he need to find Ryan in the middle of a forest? Something didn't quite add up. And I will find a reason why. Then again, the reason might be more obvious than I think. What would Hoyt do?

"So that you could kill him but you found me." I said, voicing out my thoughts.

Adam nodded as he glanced at me before looking away.

"I didn't think I would see anyone else there. I was sceptical- I thought you'd kili me if you were on his side. Being his fiance and all." He said quickly as if he were being timed on how much he could say. I watched him as he licked his lips, I glanced away.

I stayed silent as I shrugged my shoulders, trying to gain some composure.

"You thought he sent me to kill you. I then pretended I was, so you'd realise what he's like. But then you ran for it and left me with this." He said as he grabbed a fistful of his hair to reveal the scar on his forehead from the rock that I threw at him.

Smiling, I touched his scar carefully before looking away. If he was as bad as they said he was, I don't think Adam would've let me live for so long, knowing his true identity.

"It helped me realise he was out to kill me. But you could've saved me instead. Instead of trying to slit my throat."

Adam laughed.

"I couldn't- you ran away and I thought you recognised me." He said as he removed my hand from his face and smiled.

"Well, who was the person that was standing next to me on the motorway?" I asked before coughing.

"There was someone there?" Adam said.

I nodded.

He propped himself against the cave wall opposite me, the light hit his face, making his stubble stand out more.

"No clue. I didn't see anyone else there." He muttered under his breath as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

How did he not see the person who stood near me when I jumped off? And who were they?

"That still doesn't make sense. Did you kill anyone?" I asked.

Were the lives that Hoyt was claimed to have taken on the radio fake or staged? There's no way, right?

He was no ordinary man- Hoyt is a name that only casts a dark shadow upon people's lives. Murdering relentlessly, children, mother's, parents. He kills anyone who he deems 'worthy'.

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