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A Few Moments Later
5 seconds later

Clueless. I was absolutely clueless, no one but Adam knew where the Fireplace was. Even so, I have no idea where the Fireplace is, I guessed using some directions as Georgie had given me a tour of the place. 

We looked at the field of grass behind the tree, there were a few hedges and Adam shrugged his shoulders before joining me to hide in the grass. The female from before approached the grass on her own, I was tempted to distract her but I couldn't risk it. 

Staying still, I held my breath as she walked straight past us. She turned around and before we could comprehend it, Eagle snuck behind her before pulling out her dagger from her belt and stabbing her neck. Adam joined him for a moment to hide the body in the bushes, I watched them unintentionally coat their hands in her blood as if they were used to it. The things they are used to doing is undeniably the tip of the iceberg. I wonder what else they are used to doing in order to survive.

"You're back?" I said before Eagle turned around to face me, "thank God for that."

He nodded as Adam wiped the blood off with his jeans. Eagle took her dog tags out of her inner pocket before seeing a strange symbol in her ID.

"Great," he said before throwing it at Adam and me, "it's the Rioters. Let's go."

We walked in the grass for what seemed to be hours before Adam cut down some nettles to climb up a rusty ladder. I looked around, we were in the middle of nowhere, the grass surrounded the place, and there was only one grey stone building in the middle of it all.

Once we had made it up the ladder, Adam stood near a dark red door that was in front of us. He turned around to look at Eagle and I. 

"Alright, we're here." He said before opening the door which led to pitch black.

I could hear Adam tapping against the wall to find a light switch, he turned it on and everything could be seen. The paintings of the fallen monarchy on the wall, the rusty tv that was smashed, the grey sofas that had slowly been gaining dust. There was no paint on the wall, it was cold marble. 

Eagle looked around in awe, I guess he was used to having a floor for a bed when he was younger. Adam remained unfazed, he checked if everything was in the room before walking past us to double lock the door. 

"Unpack guys, we'll be safe for now." He said as he threw his bag onto the sofa and unzipped it.

Eagle sat in the corner of the room near the window before taking out a book from his backpack.

Staying still, I remembered that I left my bag at Adams place. I sighed before sitting on the sofa opposite Adam. 

"I left my bag." I said before putting my feet up to cover my face with my knees, "How could I have been so stupid? We can't fetch it now, can we?"

Adam turned around as he placed one of his CDs onto the sofa. He looked at Eagle who seemed uninterested with the whole unpacking as soon as I spoke.

"I'll go get it then." Eagle said before getting up and unlocking the door, "if you hear four knocks, it's me."

Adam looked away as I watched the door shut, I walked towards it and locked it again.

"Thanks." I muttered as I turned to face him.

He stayed silent as he looked at a photo that was in his hand. I didn't say anything after that, I didn't want to intrude.

Instead, I looked at the bookshelf that was behind the sofa. I picked up a few books as I crouched down to look at the names. I recognized a few titles but I didn't say anything as I didn't remember anything else.

"A lot has been going on since you were gone," he said, interrupting the silence, " I never really filled you in, did I?"

As soon as he said that, I looked back on the events that have been happening, I tried to find it's source- the main thing that stood out to me.

"No, you didn't. I don't think you need to, it doesn't matter." I said.

He looked up at me before raising his eyebrow. 

"Why?" Adam asked.

The source of this chaos- there was only one person to blame and that was Ryan. As soon as I saw him, we coincidentally had to leave.

This made me wonder why Adam thought I wouldn't catch onto this. Did he think I wouldn't remember?

"I'll remember it eventually. Something more important is bugging me." I said before rubbing my knuckles.

Adam stayed silent.

"Why did we leave when Ryan saw me?" I asked.

In an instant, he got up from the sofa as the colour drained from his face.

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