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"I must say, this break up of yours wasn't intentional. I'm very pleased. You're finally accepting that Ryan will marry you." My mother mused with a sly grin on her face as she looked at her manicured nails. My mother never wore those nails since father died, is she going to go back to how she was before? Kind? Generous? Ha, as if I would fool myself again.

Shaking my head, I cracked my knuckles as I took a few steps towards her. Her guards stepped in front of me, armed with guns, blocking my way. Ever since I went outside to the Lower District, I'm now casted off as an outsider. She doesn't care what happens to me now- even if I die. If I come back, she'll try to fool me to do something else. Her business deal is complete.

She no longer needs me like she did before- when she was with father. She's colder now, brutal and cunning to never feel anything again. This was my last time to say what I wanted to, I could tell her everything that I've hidden for years. Clenching my fists, I walked past the guards, standing my ground. They turned to my mother, waiting for her approval with a wave of her hand, and they withdrawn their weapons. Little did she know, I could take them down now but I'll hide my training for now.

"I didn't agree- you forced me to. You would've never done this if father was around. You're not the same. After this, you're nothing but dead to me."

Ryan entered, looking at my mother with piercing eyes, waiting for her answer. I wonder if he heard the conversation, he smiled at me as we met eyes. I smiled back at him, glad that he was here. Even though I didn't want to marry him, he is a good friend and cares for me. These appearances are fine- for now.

"Hold your tongue, you uncultured swine!" Mother said, raising her voice at me. Before I could say anything, I saw Julie in the corner and exhaled in relief. "Business deals- as always. Are you questioning my power? Would you like to be like your father? Because that can always be arranged- in the cells."

"Why you little- why mention him right now?" I said as my blood boiled, "he died in a fire not because of his lack of power. The cells are perfect for me right now, as long as I'm away from you and your schemes."

"Well, shall we, dear?" He said, trying to stop my mother from continuing. I wasn't hurting from the breakup with Anna. This was all an act- an act that we've been playing for a year.

Now, the day is finally here- marriage. My mother's goal is complete. But is the business deal? My heart ached, my mother won again. When will I get out of here? Why did she mention Bailey? She hates him since she was 'weak' for him. I mean, she was in love with him and now that he's gone she treats everyone unjustly. The loss hit her harder than we all anticipated, now she doesn't want to be hurt again. Before that, she was much kinder. Helping everyone. Just because she lost something, doesn't mean she should hurt others to not feel anything like that again. When will she learn? Father will never come back to her even if he was alive. She has changed into a monster.

"Of course." I said as I kissed Ryan's cheek, ignoring my mother as he waved at her.

We walked outside into his car, she waved us off with a smirk on her face. Ryan looked at me with a small smile before driving off.

"Your mother is fucking possessed." He said as he changed the gears and glanced at me for a moment.

"No shit. Why do the business deal?" I muttered before running my hands through my hair and sighing, "It's been a year and you haven't told me."

"To find my brother and for money." He answered as he looked at me with a smile before saying the last few words, "And to protect you."

What Tracy said soon made sense when we first met. My mother must've come here to help but as time passed she exploited them all. Took all their money. Only because she regretted not being able to pay for the medical care for my father. When in reality, it was never needed.

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